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HomeLatest NewsPP and Vox expose their confrontation on immigration policy in Congress

PP and Vox expose their confrontation on immigration policy in Congress

that the relationship between PP and Vox is not going through its best moment, this is not new. The management of irregular immigration caused a rupture in the autonomous communities in July and continues to be the issue that most obscures the agreement between the headquarters of Génova and Bambú streets.

This Tuesday, the two parties showed their distance in Congress, where those of Santiago Abascal They voted against a popular motion calling on the government to declare an immigration emergency. The initiative would not have succeeded even if Vox had voted for it, but it is a sign of what is the distance between the two formations on an issue that is at the heart of current political debate.

PP MP Isabel Sánchez Torregrosa dedicated herself to explaining her party’s proposals in the face of the government’s “chaos and improvisation”: bringing together the autonomous communities, increasing their resources, improving the troops and means of the state’s security forces and bodies, resorting to Frontex, the European border management agency,…

A whole battery of measures that, when his turn came, Vox MP José María Sánchez García did not hesitate to describe as “nonsense”. “They are all useless, they are of no use.”scorned, accusing the PP of talking about immigration because it believes it can gain “electoral advantages” from it, which coincides with the CIS survey that identifies this phenomenon as the main concern of the Spanish.

For Sanchez Garcia, The main problem with the popular is that “they are multiculturalists”a term that for Vox “is not a value” and that, moreover, can be “a risk for the essence of nations”. The deputy of Sumar, Tesh Sidi, of Sahrawi origin, reacted to these remarks. “Get used to multiculturalism. “More than 700,000 Madrilenians voted for this representative to share a seat with you,” recommended the parliamentarian from Más Madrid.

But the Vox MP not only filed a complaint against the PP, he also led harsh criticism of the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, who had appeared shortly before in the same room to defend the government’s immigration policy.

“This minister is a demonstration of ignorance, she has said nonsense,” accused Sánchez García. “This lady knows nothing, she does not know what she is talking about and she also has an iconoclastic vocation to draw attention to her ignorance of the portfolio she represents.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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