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PP and Vox have adapted the law so that the salary of the new Valencian director of Antifraud exceeds the limit of 92,000 euros

The new director of the Anti-Fraud Agency, Eduardo Beut, has not yet made his salary public on the website of the entity that is to supervise the administration. Nor did he want to reveal what his monthly emoluments will be when asked by Sources from the entity explain that, “between the summer holidays and the start of classes”, it has been impossible to publish the salary as established by its own legislation, but that “they are preparing the documentation to comply with it” in the coming days or weeks.

Despite this initial opacity, what this newspaper has been able to learn is that Beut will be the senior official of the Generalitat who will earn the most money thanks to the specific law of the Anti-Fraud Agency, made to end the qualified majority as a condition. for his choice. This rule not only allowed Beut to be elected by a simple majority of the PP and Vox, but also lifted the salary cap that President Carlos Mazón had set in the 2024 budgets when he was still governing alongside Vox. It also eliminated that the salary of the director of the Anti-Fraud Agency be that of a general director of the Valencian government, that is, approximately 67,000 euros gross per year. This is the salary that his predecessor Joan Llinares received during the six years he spent at the head of the entity.

In the 2024 Budget Law, PP and Vox included an article stating that no senior civil servant in the Generalitat can earn more than 15% of that of the President of the Generalitat. Mazón, with the last 2% increase, will receive around 80,000 euros gross in 2024. Therefore, no one in the organization chart of his government and the entities of the Generalitat will be able to receive more than 92,000 euros. This measure was instituted to prevent civil servants from other administrations from losing their salary upon arriving at the Generalitat, provided that they do not exceed 15% more than the head of the Consell. A way of making participation in public life more attractive, but which PP and Vox had always criticized during the years of the Botànic Pact.

But thanks to the new law of the Anti-Fraud Agency, Beut will be able to exceed this limit. Why? Beut is a civil servant at the Tax Agency, he has become a special delegate, one of the highest paid administrations in the administration. Due to his years of service and his position, not counting productivity bonuses, Beut’s salary at the Treasury could be around 100,000 euros. In application of article 26.1 of Law 3/2024 of the Generalitat of the Anti-Fraud Agency, Beut’s remuneration “cannot be lower than that of the position he held in the administration of origin”. That is, his salary at the Tax Agency and without the ceiling of 92,000 euros marked in this year’s budgets, although it is a law approved in 2024 and when the annual accounts were already in force.

Furthermore, according to a report by the lawyer of the Economic Commission of the Valencian Courts to which has had access, it is up to the Parliamentary Bureau to adopt an agreement determining the salary of the director of the Anti-Fraud Agency. This agreement, which should be public, has not been approved either. Beut will also have to modify the Agency’s budget for this year because the entity only includes 71,543 euros for the director’s salary in its budgets. Very far from the salary you will receive.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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