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PP deputies and senators receive letters of insults and threats

“You’re the same mangy bitches from school crazy about the suneven if you are a little older disgusting And polygonal. These are the sentences that several PP deputies and senators had to read in letters received without a return address. At least four policies popular They made public this Thursday the receipt of these letters full of insults and threats against them. Many of these terms were used in the various insulting texts against the representatives of the formation led by Alberto Nuñez Feijóo.

One of the first to make this known was Ana Vazquez Blanconational secretary of the Interior of the PP and deputy popular in the Lower House. The author of the letter criticized him for his “interventions in Congress with Minister Marlaska”. “You continue as always or worse, you are unchanged, you have the same look and the same shitty asshole mouth, you are the best of all the polygoneras of Cobo Calleja [un polígono industrial de Fuenlabrada (Madrid) en el que prolifera la prostitución, el lavado de dinero y el narcotráfico]”, from the district of the most expensive whores at the rate of 10 euros per oral”, could be read in the derogatory letter.

“Don’t be afraid of being raped, don’t worry, no one would dare because of your disgusted face, your mangy female dog voice, in case you bite them or give them an STD. [enfermedad de transmisión sexual]“, he insulted in one of the letters. Another of the most repeated phrases was this: “If your mouth is like this because of your oral actions, how will you get the back hole…you surely don’t control your sphincter.”

Furthermore, in another derogatory comment, the letter states: “You personally prepare your interventions, we know, at Cobo Callejas between client and client.” “You are the same mangy bitches from the school of the crazy sun,” he says in the letter in another insult, this time addressed to the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso. “Even if you are a little more disgusting and polygonal,” he insults repeatedly in most of his letters. All appear at the top with the title “Waterloo” in allusion to the residence of the former president of the Generalitat on the run, Carles Puigdemontand the date it was sent.

“Nauseating missive”

“Thank you for such a nauseating letter, but you don’t have what it takes to put your name on the return address,” Vázquez criticized him in a message via the social network X, formerly Twitter. “You’re a fucking coward,” the deputy replied. popularto conclude by assuring that he is not afraid: “You are not going to silence me!”

Noélia Nunezalso a PP deputy, received a similar letter. “It must be the same coward who wrote this to me love letter “So pretty,” quipped the politician popular. “If you think this silences the women of the PP, they know it well,” concluded another message on their official profile.

For his part, Alicia Garciaspokesperson for the PP in the Senate, announced that he had received a “letter full of insults, hatred and threats”. “Harassment, hatred and violence will not silence our ideas,” he said. It is in the letter addressed to the senator from Avila that the attacker makes known his affinity for socialism: “We will have the PSOE forever.”

Finally, Alma EzcurraMEP popularwas also the target of these attacks. She limited herself to writing “they bark, then we go up, my dears”. “With us, it’s clear,” he concluded his message on social networks.

The leader of the formation in which they are all active condemned these attacks: “The content is serious and repugnant and, of course, the corresponding complaint will be promoted.” “I know they don’t need it because no one is going to silence the women of the PP, but they have my full support,” added Feijóo.

On the left, the PSOE also condemned the events. Not without taking the opportunity to attack the political opponent. “Mr. Feijóo, the deputies, senators, councilors, mayors, members of the PSOE who for a year have received threats and seen their seats attacked, would have expected the same thing from you and your party”, we can read in another publication of the socialists on X, formerly Twitter.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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