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HomeTop StoriesPP fuels the idea that Catalonia is stealing from Spain with singular...

PP fuels the idea that Catalonia is stealing from Spain with singular financing

As workers and second-class citizens. This is how the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, considers that Catalan nationalism treats the rest of the Spaniards and “to everyone.” This was stated this Wednesday on esRadio, while his party colleagues joined in promoting the idea in the Congress of Deputies that Catalonia, thanks to a singular financing, harms Spain.

A new financing model that its secretary general, Cuca Gamarra, defines as “the separatist coupon of 30 billion euros”. In this regard, he criticizes the fact that “it is financed by the teachers of the Andalusians, the doctors of Extremadura, the transport of the inhabitants of La Mancha and Rioyans, the dependence of the Asturians”.

An argument that the Xunta de Galicia, its president, the popular Alfonso Rueda, put forward considering that “Catalonia is stealing from us”while assuring that “the priority at the moment is that they do not steal from us. That we do not pay with the money of the Galicians.”

Faced with this position, the First Vice President and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, accuses those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo of “divide and confront territories and citizens”. He even assures that they “always live better against Catalonia”. A few words spoken during the control session this Wednesday at the Congress of Deputies, the first of the political course.

In fact, just hours before the PP and the Government faced off in the Chamber – once again for Catalonia – the President of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, asked China avoid confrontationas well as “not cultivating territorial grievances.” “What is good for Catalonia is good for the country as a whole” so as not to return to the year of the declaration of independence in 2017: “I do not want to repeat this path.”

To the words of the Madrid president with which this text began, Montero prefers to turn a deaf ear“There is no need to evaluate Ayuso’s words. They define themselves,” she assured journalists who were waiting for her as she left the Lower House.

At the same time, the coalition government partner, Sumar, asked the Popular Party not to “incite” or “stir up” “conflict between territories.” An issue that Iñigo Errejón highlighted, as well as Aina Vidal in Al Rojo Vivo. At the same time, Republican Gabriel Rufián assures that she is “the first to distribute people between their social classes in Madrid, depending on whether they are rich or poor.” In short, accuses him of taking advantage of the rich.




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