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PP is open to seeking agreements with Junts and PNV that do not include “identity proposals”

PP ready to reach agreements with party Carles Puigdemont. This was stated this Thursday. Borja Alwaysspokesperson for the Popular Party, but specifying that they will never agree on issues related to “identity” questions.

After the parliamentary defeat suffered this Wednesday by the PSOEhe PP is now seen as having the strength to continue to wear down the government of Rock Sanchez. For this, he has not only the PNVwhose voices were united yesterday with those of Albert Nunez Feijoo in an initiative to recognize Edmundo Gonzalez as the elected president of Venezuela, but he also counts on Together for Catalonia.

In an interview with Telecinco, Sémper assured that the PP would promote initiatives in “economic, social or labor” matters and that it would seek the votes of all groups represented in Congress, “except Bildu.” Although he made it clear that what differentiated Feijóo from the formation led by Puigdemont.

“What separates us from Together. What differentiates us from the PNV is public and notorious. What differentiates us, in short, from nationalist and identity proposals. But if we manage to agree, for example, on a Land law“Why aren’t we going to do it? The housing problem is extraordinarily serious in Spain and this government is incapable of solving it and implementing measures that provide answers, beyond the deeply ideological banner measures,” said Sémper.

According to the popular leader, it is about proposing “alternatives” to solve “the country’s problems.” In short, the PP wants to be “a vanguard of solutions” in the face of the “bad government” of Sánchez.




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