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PP raises tone against migration and accuses Sánchez of “encouraging a call effect”

Génova is bringing out its artillery against the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, on this occasion due to the migratory phenomenon. The president of the Popular Party (PP), Alberto Núñez Feijóo, accused the socialist on Wednesday of having “favored a call effect” by going to Africa to offer 250,000 jobs for migrants.

Feijóo thus reacted on his social networks to the announcement that the President of the Government made Tuesday evening in Mauritania, the first stop on the institutional trip he is making through that country and which will continue through Gambia and Senegal. There, the President of the Executive proposed the circular migration. An initiative that plans to hire people of their origin to work temporarily in Spain and, at the end of this work, return to their country. Something that is already practiced with other foreign governments.

The leader of the popular parties attacked Sánchez for having assured, during his visit to Africa, that “Immigration is not a problem” but rather it is “the solution” to the need to fill certain jobs that European countries have. In fact, government sources have explained that Spain will need 200,000 to 250,000 immigrants per year to work until 2050, in order to maintain the welfare state as it currently operates, especially in terms of employment and pensions.

For Feijóo, launching this message in a official trip to Africa which seeks to put an end to irregular migration “It’s irresponsible” because it only serves to “encourage a call effect in the worst crisis of irregular migration.” “Instead of going to Africa to fight the mafias, Sánchez promotes Spain as a destination. Unlike the rest of the EU. Whoever comes will have a contract of origin and a letter of compliance with our laws,” Feijóo said.

Similar terms were used by the group’s spokesman in the Congress of Deputies, Miguel Tellado, who described Sánchez’s position on migration as “completely absurd.” He accuses the government president of being “co-responsible” for the “hundreds of deaths” caused by this phenomenon that they consider “a real leak” on “the borders of our country.

An “absolute lack of humanity”

The reactions of the Executive led by the socialist were not long in coming. First it was Foreign Minister José Manuel Albareswho this Tuesday morning, in a television interview, assured “what I would say to Mr. Feijóo is that at least he supports his own governments”, in reference to the Autonomous City of Ceuta and the Canary Islands where they govern and who have been crying for help for days due to the lack of means to deal with migratory pressure.

Furthermore, Albares criticized the fact that from Genoa “the most xenophobic theses of the extreme right are already openly adopted”, what he calls “absolute lack of humanity”. He also assures that the popular spreads a “xenophobic and alarmist discourse that tries to divide a society.”

The Spanish Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, also denounced the attitude of the Popular Party (PP), calling the opposition leader’s tweet “moral turpitude.” Likewise, he assured that these statements go beyond the “extreme right” which he considers “extreme inhumanity”: “I hope he repents and deletes his account.”

In the same vein, and to defend the remarks made on Tuesday by the President of the Mauritanian Government, Rodríguez maintains that Feijóo used “people’s pain”since “migrants are people who move because of wars; they are human beings like us,” he said. “A humanist perspective” that, according to the minister, “cannot be lost.”




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