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HomeLatest NewsPP stretches a little, Spain bends everything

PP stretches a little, Spain bends everything

Qualification regarding the Popular Party: it seems to be stretching out after a summer
of a nap which, in itself, is good news after a season in
the one who Feijoo Festival slept the dream of the resigned. He was
an illness, not so short, say a few months,
who brought down a political party infected by the pathology which
afflicts a large part of Spain, which is not intoxicated by the
Sanchez’s Covid. This pathology is eating away at us all, even if,
The truth is that in recent days this has already been diagnosed by
columnists and analysts not bought by the magnate of La Moncloa.

On these dates, this chronicler celebrated for example its coincidence with the
Weekly Homily of the Unstoppable Jesus Cacho which accurately describes
the coup by deliveries of sanchismo. Another journalist also
bright, Juan Canoat the same time denounced the deconstruction of Spain, the
to blow up the State of Autonomies born from the Constitution of
78. Both of them and a few others – still few in number – have stated unequivocally that
“this”, that is, what we have now, is no longer a democracy, or at least,
At least, it doesn’t at all resemble what we mean by such, namely that
It’s not a very sophisticated thing either.

To mitigate this gloomy picture, it must be recognized that a few days ago we coincided with a hopeful event: the election of the new president of the General Council of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court, Judge Mrs. Perelló. Of course, in a very short time we will know if
What she announced at the opening of the judicial year is true, or is it a
proclaims himself as false, as cynical, as miserable as the one who, in the same
act proclaimed the still attorney general of the State, the reprobate Garcia Ortiz.
Perelló or can guarantee the excellence, for example, of the next
Supreme Court presidents or plunge into the eternal disorder in which
Both major parties want to fish. This is one case, the other is
equally delicate because the newly elected members of the Council
They are now required to develop a new formula for,
precisely, to choose their next replacements.

If Perelló, in short, manages to bring this method back to its origins or, as stated in point 3 of article 122 of our Supreme Norm, “twelve members will be chosen from among the judges and magistrates of all judicial categories and four on the proposal of the Congress of Deputies, and four on the proposal of the Senate. That is to say: the method that was charged in 86 of the last century, the call Bandres Amendment (Bandrés, deputy of Euskadiko Eskerra) celebrated joyfully by his accomplice, also a lawyer, Gregorio Peces Barba, at the time president of the Congress of
Members of Parliament. Any corrections that have been made subsequently
were botched so that the ruling parties could put their
hand on Justice. Perelló is therefore playing his part in this procedure
with vocation ancient.

In other words, for the moment, the president is doing very well, but we must wait for her to assert herself to defend the democracy that Sánchez is destroying. Perelló, in reality, is only a courageous voice in a choir, the Spanish one, infected – as we have written above – with disdain, laziness, discouragement and abandonment. To find another discordant note in this dark panorama that our Spanish society is drawing, we can take advantage of the reactions of the president of the Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Argüello, who sang the praises of socialist power, and especially of the response of the Archbishop of Oviedo, Jesús Sainz Montes, to the disdain shown by the ineffable authorities of the Principality who did not want to attend the traditional mass of Covadonga on Asturias Day. To the cowardly president of the Principality, Barbón, and to the ineffable delegate of the Government – ​​do you remember Adriana Lastra – the Bishop let slip: “This chair does not have political acronyms behind it, but rather a moral judgment that is born from the word of God and the Christian tradition. And if these concepts do not correspond, as they do not, to the misdeeds of Sánchez and his relatives, let these poor men and women paint them themselves.

I mention the Archbishop’s homily because, let’s see: how many Spanish Christians currently lack similar instructions from the Episcopal Fathers of the Nation? Well, everyone. What happens is that this institution generally behaves in this situation in a cloned way, as does the entire civil society of the country: in a resigned way, with the spoon already placed in the clutches of an unscrupulous person who consoles himself in the face of such decline, in the face of so much prostration.

Last Monday we read the denunciation of one of the best European columnists, the liberal Guy Sorman, who spoke of the inability of the conservative and liberal world to respond to the “indignation” that the left shows every time it finds a reason to show its teeth. How much truth does this complaint contain!

Pay attention to this other information: this week it was fifty
anniversary of the second largest massacre perpetrated by ETA in Madrid,
multicriminality in Correo Street; well, just a few, at most,
of references to the inhuman atrocity that caused the deaths of thirteen of the
people and about fifty injured. However, another attack,
just as bloody, that of Atocha against the lawyers of the Communist Party,
receives all the series of excited memories. The reason? : that TVE presents a series, The lawyerswhich recalls this horrible event. One both and the other neither. What difference between unworthy on both sides!

To this malaise, however, we can add a corollary that is not very reassuring, but not yet exciting: it seems – as this column acknowledged at the beginning – that the PP has begun to relax. Some symptoms: the first is its proposal to the Government to inject 18 billion euros from the Next Generation funds into the regions. It is an idea that places the individual who squatter Moncloa is in a position to either refuse its practical execution or sign it. In any case, a good popular initiative. The other, the document drafted by Juan Bravo (very much on the rise at the moment), which puts an end to the tax voracity of the Catalan independentists and proposes a concrete form of financing for the region within the framework of the common regime of the LOFCA. We will see what happens. To these proposals must be added the parliamentary success in Congress on Venezuela, the division of the investiture force into two parts, the PNV finally behaving with decency and, finally, the recusal of three constitutional magistrates that the PP believes, and it rightly believes, that they cannot intervene in the amnesty scandal. And of course, the agreement on the Canary Islands with President Clavijo.

But let’s not be mistaken, Feijóo assumed, like all of us, that Sánchez’s situation was going to be long, three more years inevitable. Internally, he must count on the help of the judges, but externally, he does not believe in the bent Spanish society of which one of Feijóo’s collaborators, the Nivea Mensaid that “he cannot be mobilized all day.”



MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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