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HomeLatest NewsPP tries to recover Spain's leadership in Venezuela that the PSOE abandoned

PP tries to recover Spain’s leadership in Venezuela that the PSOE abandoned

In the ranks of the Popular Party, there has been regret for months that the government of Pedro Sánchez has put itself out of line with the Venezuelan people and has not responded to what Venezuelan democrats expect from a country like Spain.

Given the lack of leadership of our country towards Venezuela – even if the government calls it “a brother country”— The PP has activated all possible mechanisms to try to recover the influence that Spain has always had on this issue.

THE cross interests of the Sánchez government with the regime of Nicolas Maduro – the most controversial is that of former president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and his links with the Chavista regime – exist; and they are highlighted by the lukewarmness that is transmitted from Moncloa whenever news arrives from Venezuela. That is why the PP has mobilized and presented this week to the Congress of Deputies a proposal for a non-law (PNL), which reflects the support of the Lower House for the recognition of Edmundo González as the elected president of Venezuela.What happened in Congress on Monday has great political value“Unlike Venezuela, in Spain there is democracy and what really matters is what the representatives of the citizens say,” explains to ABC a popular source, who once again regrets the actions of the government. He reiterates the importance of what happened in the Congress of Deputies: “The recognition is very positive and its replication in other parliaments is essential.”

To continue on the path of recovering Spain’s leadership in the Venezuelan cause, the PP presented the same PNL – together with Vox – to the Senate so that the Upper House would also recognize Edmundo González as president-elect. While this appearance of the senators was known, the PP led the same initiative in Brusselswhere the vote will take place next week.

Last Friday’s meeting between Edmundo González and former president Mariano Rajoy, to which was added another meeting with Jose Maria Aznar and with the current leader of the PP Alberto Nuñez Feijoowhich has not yet been confirmed, will continue to mark Genoa’s line of action.

To understand the government’s low profile with Venezuela, we must go back to the beginnings of Pedro Sánchez as president of the government. With Podemos as a coalition partner, there was “a very clear instruction and intention” -according to sources consulted by ABC- to make the Venezuelan question disappear from the national political debate: “The opposition pushed them a lot on this issue and the government felt very uncomfortable.”. If it has disappeared from the internal borders, it has also been diluted outside, where it stopped defending the process within the EU when Josep Borrell was Minister of Foreign Affairs, in a group that also included Germany, France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. The recognition of Guaidó within the EU had been carried out, but there were changes in policy and they stopped supporting Guaidó, then Capriles, and began to welcome Maduro officials. It was then that Spain unilaterally promoted its ambassador to Caracas, recognized Maduro as president and distanced itself from the EU.

However, sources consulted explain to this newspaper that, in the same way that the Government was unaware of it at the time, “He could get involved again if he wanted to.” and that it is not necessary for all EU countries to agree to recognise Edmundo González for Spain to do so: “That is false. “We can do things ourselves without relying on the EU.”

Yet it does not seem that the government is doing anything. The final blow to the Venezuelan people came this week: when Sánchez received Edmundo González with an unacknowledged walk to the Moncloa Palace.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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