Friday, September 20, 2024 - 8:27 am
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PP welcomes Sánchez’s “change of opinion” after calling for the expulsion of illegal immigrants

The PP was quick to celebrate “the evolution of posture” of the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezafter having “proposed Spain” first as a “work destination” for 250,000 African immigrants, then mentioned the “need to expel those who enter the country.” irregularly“in our country, according to official sources of the party led by Albert Núñez Feijoo“The return of those who arrived irregularly in Spain is essential,” Sánchez said from Senegal.

“Yes, yes. This change of mind, yes,” he applauded on social networks. Miguel TelladoPP spokesman in Congress. The popular now understand that after Sánchez’s change of speech, those who accused Feijóo of xenophobia must apologize because less than 24 hours after Moncloa and his “opinionaries” criticized Tellado for saying that in Germany they were talking about “mass deportations”, the head of the Executive spoke of the expulsion of those who enter Spain irregularly.

Sánchez defended that the return of irregular immigrants “sends a dissuasive, clear, clear and strong message to the mafias and those who put themselves in their hands, but essentially because European and Spanish legislation requires it.”

“There is no project”

“Beyond verifying that the government has no plan “To stop the arrival of immigrants on our shores at the source, we expect an apology from those who have questioned our “moral high ground”, from those who have called us xenophobic and from those who have said that the extreme right is opening the way for us,” they said, reporting from Genoa.

The main opposition party claims that “even with the irresponsibility of the government of Pedro Sancheznor with the most intransigent position of the other parties”, referring to Voice.

Furthermore, PP sources denounced the fact that at the end of August, the Government “has no plan to resolve the situation suffered by the people.” communities autonomous“, saturated and unable to respond to the migration crisis.”

The popular accuse the “inaction” of Pedro Sanchez of this crisis and have argued that “Spain is now the preferred destination of the mafias”, while the government refuses to convene the Conference of Regional Presidents.

In the last hours, the PP has demanded to fight against the mafias, the contracts at the origin and has defended that other countries like Germany talk about mass expulsions.




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