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HomeLatest NewsPP welcomes that Sánchez is now talking about the return of immigrants...

PP welcomes that Sánchez is now talking about the return of immigrants and demands an apology

If the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezspoke on Tuesday from Mauritania of immigration as “a necessity”, yesterday in Dakar, the capital of Senegal, he recognized that the return to their country of origin of those who arrive irregularly in Spain sends a “disincentive” message to the mafias.

The Popular Party sees in these words a clear change of position of the general manager that they celebrate. But they also demand an apology from the government for attacking them for taking as an example the expulsion policies of other European countries such as Germany.

“Once again, the PSOE and Pedro Sánchez show that Sanchism is right when it rectifies,” said the PP spokesman in Congress, Miguel Tellado, at a press conference from San Sebastian, which is ending its African tour as it should have started.

The message of the first day of the President of the Government focused on the needs of the Spanish economy and the opportunities for immigration. This alarmed the opposition, which accused him of encouraging a call effect that would cause “thousands of deaths at sea” for which Sánchez himself “will be responsible”, as Tellado accused today.

But 24 hours later, the head of the Executive “changed his position” and maintained that the return of irregular immigrants sends a “disincentive, clear, clear and strong” message to the mafias and those who put themselves in their hands.

For Génova, this shows that the Government “does not have a migration plan” for the country or to solve the situation that the autonomous communities are going through, “saturated and unable to respond to the migration crisis” that the people accuse the people of “the inaction” of Sánchez.

The popular recall that the month of August is already coming to an end and that the government has still not united the autonomies to face the massive arrival of immigrants on the Spanish coasts, which is why they demand the convening of a conference of presidents to face the situation.

“We find ourselves with Sánchez from yesterday who says that we must stop irregular immigration. If he wants to talk to the PP about how to stop the arrival of irregular immigrants in Spain, we are in favor of it,” Tellado proposed.

Instead, he warned the head of the Executive that, “if he wants to continue the demagogy with a false humanitarianism”, he must “not count” on the Popular Party. “We do not agree with the irresponsibility of the government of Pedro Sánchez in matters of immigration, nor with the more intransigent position of other parties”, they insist from Genoa.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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