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HomeLatest News“Pretty, I have a big cock for you”

“Pretty, I have a big cock for you”

A young Andalusian woman reported to National Police the persecution and harassment he suffered this Friday morning from a North African immigrant In Fuengirola (Málaga). Unfortunately, this girl claims that it’s notfar from it, the first time What’s wrong with him? Luckily, this time he was able to get his phone out in time to engrave.

“Hello, is everything okay?”, the North African begins by asking the young woman, who fortunately was already filming everything. “Yes,” replies the young girl, understandably frightened. However, the immigrant continues to bother him: “Good evening, I don’t know how to speak Spanish. “I talk very little.” The woman, who is trying to escape the uncomfortable and unpleasant situation, quickens her pace, but the North African does not stop there, and raises his voice: “Pretty, I have a big cock for you.”

OKDIARIO Andalusia contacted the young woman, who did not hesitate to make public the video in which we can perfectly see how the North African immigrant He chases her and harasses her for at least half a minute. This girl assures that this is not the first time that this has happened to her in the few months she has been living Fuengirolabut he celebrates that on this occasion he had the courage to take out his phone and start recording to now be able to denounce the North African with a video that proves his harassment and persecution in front of the National Police.

“It happened while I was walking at the beach before going to the gym, around 7 a.m.,” the complainant told OKDIARIO Andalusia. “Who Fuengirola I have been here for a few months and this has happened to me more than once, but this time I was able to get proof,” he says.

“He doesn’t speak Spanish, but ‘he has a big cock.’ I had to deal with this in the calmest way possible by going for a walk before going to the gym at 7:00. This is not an isolated case. I have experienced it several times. “I’m going to the police station #QueLaVergüenzaCambieDeBando #CulturaDeLaViolación”, denounced the young woman on her social networks.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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