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HomeLatest NewsPriego resident who disappeared in Malaga a week ago is found dead...

Priego resident who disappeared in Malaga a week ago is found dead in his car


The 47-year-old man died following a road accident in a neighborhood of Carcabuey, near the La Zamora gas station.

Antonio Lopez, whose body appeared this Wednesday in Carcabuey ABC

Mr. Osuna / D. Delgado


The lifeless body of Antonio López Rico, the resident of Priego de Córdoba who had disappeared on September 4thwas found this Wednesday inside his car, in the town of oxcarb.

As this newspaper has learned, the man died after being the victim of a road accident in an area near the La Zamora Gas Stationon the A-340 motorway.

The circumstances of the accident are currently unknown. Lopez, 47, disappeared a week ago with his Opel Combo white van record 2966 JCX, as reported by the SOSDesparecidos association through its social networks and the special network created for the province of Córdoba.

Initial hypotheses suggested that the trail had been lost Malagawhere he worked. In fact, his relatives had gone to Casabermeja to try to locate him and the Malaga National Police first took charge of the investigation.

Eventually he was found in his car as he was driving through the city of Cordoba. Carcabueywithout further details about the event being known at this time.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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