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HomeLatest NewsPriest's comments at Cascante mass on immigrants reach Navarre Parliament

Priest’s comments at Cascante mass on immigrants reach Navarre Parliament

THE Solemn Eucharist in the Basilica of in cascade in honor of the Holy Virgin of Romero triggered the controversial. THE words of the priest During his homily, they provoked all sorts of comments, both from supporters and detractors. And the subject even reached Parliament of Navarre.

In his homily, the priest addressed various immigration issues. Several spokespersons for This Monday, various political groups demonstrated their rejection to the words of the religious.

It was in the Mass on the last Sunday of the Cascante festivities when the priest Jesús Planillo told the parishioners that this summer he had visited several parishes in Andalusia and had seen that “entire families are leaving the neighborhoods because they really can’t live“, since “the public authorities give all kinds of facilities for immigrants…which seems very good to me. And the nationals?”

His words provoked agitation among those present at massuntil another priest sitting next to the altar approaches the priest to whisper something in his ear, after which the priest apologizes: “If I have offended you, forgive me.”

After the Bureau and the Commission of Spokespersons of the Parliament of Navarre, Several political groups have censored the cleric’s remarks at the Cascante mass.

SO, Carlos Guzman, from Contigoexpressed his rejection of “the hate speech“, which “are increasingly listened to”.

For him PSN-PSOE, Ramon Alzórriz stressed: “They are speeches that disgust us“Racism and xenophobia, that of Vox, which we also had yesterday in Cascante, are disgusting… We must exclude them, Navarrese society is much more than these speeches, it is a welcoming society, of coexistence.”

The aid, he said, “is not intended for migrantsThey are for people who are going through the worst times, they have no guidance.

He UPN spokesman Javier Esparzastressed: “They are totally unfortunate words and displaced, which many of us who were there did not share.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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