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HomeLatest NewsPrison population increases by 5.5% with 21% staff shortage

Prison population increases by 5.5% with 21% staff shortage

“Every year we see how many colleagues retire and the new promotions do not cover the natural losses that occur, so the problem, far from being solved, tends to get worse.” This is the warning of the Penitentiary Institutions Administration Corps Group (Acaip), which draws attention to the The average age of prison officers in Castile and León is 53 years old.the community with the oldest workforce and one of those where the “deficit” of coverage of vacancies is most evident. Specifically, 21.4 percent in all penitentiary centers of the autonomous territory. On the contrary, they are not reducing guests. In fact, the prison population is increasing.

On the union side, they explain that the situation dates back to the economic crisis and the cessation of the public employment offer more than ten years ago, in a few years in which “the losses that occurred were not covered”. It was a widespread context at the national level and in all administrations and departments. In the case of the prisons of Castilla y León, the situation “is aggravated by the high average age of its workers” and “in the coming years, many colleagues who joined them at the beginning of the 80s will retire”, they advance before claiming a “human problem”. resource policy that takes into account this trend with a call for positions but also with transfer competitions that offer vacancies that arise in Castilla y León. In short, a solution to a problem for which the delegate of the government in Castilla y León, Nicanor Sen, has also requested an answer.

The Leonese socialist took advantage of a meeting a few months ago with the Secretary of State for Security, Rafael Pérez, to demand a “reinforcement of the staff” of the prisons of Castilla y León – one per province except Zamora -, where There are 649 vacancies out of the 3,027 positions envisaged in the job list.The deficit percentage is seven points higher than the national average, which stands at 14.6 percent.

And in Castile and Leon, as in the rest of the country, prisoners increased. In the Community there was a trend that had been declining for years, but in 2020 it was reversed and the number of residents in the prisons of Brieva (Ávila), Burgos, Villanubla (Valladolid), Topas (Valladolid) has gradually increased since the pandemic. Salamanca), Soria, Segovia, Mansilla de las Mulas (León) and Dueñas (Palencia).

In private

THE prison population In June – the latest data – there were 7.1 percent of prisoners in Spanish prisons, a total of 4,198 people, of whom 3,964 were men and 234 were women, compared to 3,977 last year or 3,738 five years ago. Specifically, in five years, they have increased by 12.3 percent, only 5.5% last year, and with this, “parallel” to the conflict, prison sources point out.

According to the latest data managed by Acaip, in 2023, 57 attacks against civil servants were recorded, the highest number in the last decade with prisons in Dueñas and Mansillas the main protagonists of statistics. If you analyze the conflicts between prisoners of these characteristics, the Topas also entered the podium. A total of 555 events were registered, 12.8 percent more than five years earlier.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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