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programming, timetables, gastronomy, curiosities and traffic breaks

Getting back to the routine is always complicated, starting classes or having to endure heavy traffic to get to work is never in good taste for anyone, however, with a little party, everything becomes a little more bearable. With days that have more than two centuries of history, the The Vela of Fuensanta becomes one of the main attractions for thousands of Cordovan people who want to enjoy a popular festival for four days that brings together religiosity, local gastronomy and tradition.

From the September 6-9Monday being a local holiday and on Sunday the festive movement begins, the traditional clay bells will become the soundtrack of the Fuensanta neighborhood with their particular ringing.

Transfer route and procession of the Virgen de la Fuensanta

Before that, as is traditional, on Friday September 6th The water of the “Pocito” square will be blessed so that Our Lady of Fuensanta Coronada can carry out the procession until the 8:30 p.m. from his sanctuary to reach the Cathedral Mosque around 10:30 p.m. on a route that will be similar to last year. As a new feature, this year the prayer of Via Lucis Mariano as well as reading the seasons at the following fourteen points on your itinerary:

Points of Via Lucis Mariano

-Pocito of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fuensanta

-End of the sanctuary ramp

-Fuensanta Avenue

-Parish of Santiago

-Convent of Santa Cruz

-Altar of San Rafael (c/Lineros)

-Triumph of San Rafael in the Plaza del Potro

-Coilers and Cardenal González next to the fountain

-Cardinal González, 52 years old

-Boilermakers and Cardenal González, Caño Quebrado

-Magistral González Francés, 21 years old

– Santa Catalina Gate

-Fountain of the Patio de los Naranjos

-Puerta de las Palmas

Another novelty is related to the announcement, since it will take place on Friday, before the day of the transfer of the Virgin to her sanctuary, so that it can be heard by the greatest number. This year’s town crier will be the lawyer, writer, singer and resident of Fuensanta Marcos Santiago Cortés, who was proud and excited to be in charge of the proclamation in this edition of the festival: “it fills me with excitement like a little child. ” with new shoes and I hope not to disappoint because I was born, raised and currently live in Fuensanta.

On Saturday 7th, after the 7:00 p.m. mass presided over by Bishop Demetrio Fernández, the Virgin of Fuensanta will return from the Cathedral to her sanctuary in a procession that is scheduled to begin at 8:45 p.m. and an arrival at 11:35 p.m. with the music of the group Caído and Fuensanta and, as usual, the Maestro Tejera Band will accompany the passage of the Virgin. Manuel Orozco He will be the foreman of the solemn procession.

The legend of the caiman of Fuensanta

In addition to the Virgin, there is a very representative and enigmatic element that is also the main face of this celebration; it Fuensanta CaimanThis animal is stuffed on one of the walls of the sanctuary and is the main attraction for children and grandparents, but its origin is shrouded in mystery.

The popular version states that after the river flooded, the alligator appeared near the sanctuary, spreading the terror among the neighbors. Tired of his actions, a lame and shrewd veteran set a trap to end his life. After confiding in Fuensanta before his mission, the hunter placed a piece of juicy meat behind some bushes and when the animal decided to feast, the man jumped and finished it off. alligator life after sticking his crutch in his throat.

Once dissected, he offered it to the Virgin and placed it on the wall of the sanctuary. In addition, the club he used is found as votive offeringthat is, as an offering to the owner. This version lack of truthfulness being a species that inhabits only the waters of the Caribbean.

The most contrasting version is the one proposed by Tedomiro Ramírez de Arellano in his book “Walks through Cordoba”. This writing relates that the alligator “was brought from America as well as a whale rib, a turtle shell or carapace, a saw of the fish of that name and some other objects sent as souvenirs by travelers from Cordoba.

The travelers thus thanked the Virgin for having given them fortune go on an adventure and be your guide. Regarding the club, these people took the crutch of a disabled person who was entrusted to Fuensanta to treat his serious illness.

Cayman Road

In relation to this animal, it is traditional to perform the Cayman Roada free canoe ride on September 7, 8 and 9 and which is celebrating its sixteenth edition today. The round-trip tours depart from the Balcón del Guadalquivir nautical center towards the Roman bridge.

Registration will take place on Friday 6th at 7:00 p.m. and travel will begin on the weekend at 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.. On Mondays, they can only be done in the morning. It is advisable to be present 15 minutes before each shift and it is requested to bring a kilo of non-perishable food to be able to donate it to the Medina Azahara food bank

Egg, salmorejá and sardine

One of the main attractions of these days is gastronomy. If you want to end up with a full stomach, it is essential to go to ‘La Huevá’, ‘La Salmorejá’ and ‘La Sardiná’ to be able to enjoy these products so appreciated by the people of Córdoba. The first event will take place on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. with “La Sardiná”; “La Huevá” will take place on Sunday at the same time; and “La Salmorejá” will be the icing on the cake on Monday in the same time slot.

Streets closed to traffic in Velá de la Fuensanta

The permanent traffic measures established by the city council on September 4 will remain in force until September 10 at 3:00 p.m. The roads affected are as follows:

-Total closure to road traffic on Avda Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta (section included from the intersection. Calderon de la Barca Avenue until the intersection with c/ Hermanos finzones). One will be activated emergency route on the Cervantes school side, this space cannot therefore be occupied by attractions

– Prohibition on stopping and parking vehicles on Avda Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta in both directions (section between the access ramp to the Sanctuary Square and Hermanos Pinzones c/

– Prohibition on stopping and parking vehicles in the c/ Calderon de la Barca (section between c/ Ntra. Sra. de Belén and Avda. de la Fuensanta)

– Prohibition on stopping and parking vehicles in the Sanctuary Square.

-Prohibition of parking caravans in all places affected by the events in Velá, particularly in the c/ Painter Pedro Antonio Rodríguez

-Interruption of road traffic in the c/ Painter Pedro Antonio Rodríguez intersection with Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta Avenue). THE c/ Painter Pedro Antonio Rodríguez It will remain at the bottom of the bag (entry and exit by Pintor Pedro Bueno).

The special measures will only apply during the days of celebration of Velá, that is, from September 6 to 9. It must be said that all permanent restrictions will remain in force:

– Complete closure of road traffic on Sanctuary Square.

– Total closure of road traffic on Calderón de la Barca Street from the confluence with Ntra de Belén Street (except authorized vehicles).

-Cut of road traffic on Avenida de la Fuensanta at the confluence with the c/ Pelagius

-Cut of road traffic on Avenida de la Fuensanta at the confluence with the c/ Mother Mogas

Programming and calendar of the Velá de la Fuensanta 2024

These days allow adults and children to enjoy numerous activities so that everyone can live the nhm experience.

It should be emphasized that the “Children’s Day” It will be Monday 9th and all the attractions will be reduced to 50%. The hours of the “gadgets” will be Friday from 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. and Monday from 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Friday September 6th

7:15 p.m.. Blessing of the waters of the ‘Pocito’ in the sanctuary of Our Lady of Fuensanta

7:30 p.m.. Departure in procession towards the Cathedral Mosque.

10:00 p.m.. Inauguration of the festivities with the proclamation of Marcos Santiago Cortés

10:30 p.m.. Performance by Isabel María España. Later there will be a musical performance by Aldebarán

Saturday September 7th

12:00 p.m.. Fruit tasting with the collaboration of the San José Obrero and Mercacórdoba Neighborhood Association

1:00 p.m.. Tasting of “La Sardiná”

2:00 p.m.. Musical performance by the group ‘Oro y plata’

7:30 p.m.. Mass in honor of Our Lady of Fuensanta in the Cathedral Mosque. Afterwards, the transfer will be made to your sanctuary.

9:00 p.m.. Children’s show by the clown ‘Narizotas’

10:00 p.m.. Sailing choirs: The art of our land and the rhythm of the South-East

11:30 p.m.. Interpretation by Manuel Santiado

Sunday September 8

10:30 a.m.. Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fuensanta

1:00 p.m.. Tasting of “La Hueva”

2:00 p.m.. Show by the Flora e Hija Academy and the Jorge del Pino Academy.

9:00 p.m.. Performance of the dance academy ‘Dance with me’

10:00 p.m.. Flamenco music with claustrophobia

00:00 hours. Cover concert with ‘La condé band’

Monday September 9

12:30 p.m.. Magic show with the magician Aroca

1:00 p.m.. Tasting of ‘La salmorejá’

1:30 p.m.. Parade for the ‘Samborejo’ batucada

8:30 p.m.. Musical show with DJ

9:30 p.m.. Show by the Fitflamc dance group.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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