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HomeLatest NewsProhens had already warned Minister Marlaska two years ago, when she was...

Prohens had already warned Minister Marlaska two years ago, when she was an MP, about the migratory chaos in the Balearic Islands.

The President of the Balearic Government, Marga Prohens (PP), had already warned the socialist minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska two years ago, when she was a member of Congress, of the migratory chaos that the Balearic Islands would suffer because of the Foreign policy of Pedro Sanchezwhich caused the breakdown of diplomatic relations between Spain and Algeria.

This was stated by the islands’ top leader in September 2022, at a time when the archipelago did not receive as many boats as it does today, but when migratory chaos was already a reality.We had already warned that the Balearic Islands would be the most affected community, and this has been the case.“, said the Balearic president.

“Today I come to ask you what you will never do Francine Armengol“I come to ask you to recognize this new migratory route with Algeria,” Prohens said at his deputy headquarters, who in turn urged the Minister of the Interior “to make a serious foreign policybecause you have abandoned all the citizens of the Balearic Islands and the state security forces and agencies.

“While you are hiding, immigration has increased by 15% throughout the archipelago and you are responsible for this data“At a time when a collaborative foreign policy was most necessary to control these flows, Pedro Sánchez’s policy meant breaking off relations with Algeria,” denounced Marga Prohens.

Costa also warned of the consequences of a breakdown in relations with Algeria.

For his part, at the time spokesman of the PP in the Balearic Parliament, Antoine Costaalso warned in June 2022 about the effects that the foreign policy of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, could have in the Balearic Islands after the rupture of the friendship treaty by Algeria. “Algiers is the capital of the State closest to the islands, we share a maritime border and it is a key country in controlling the migratory flows that reach us.The Balearic Islands could be the community most affected by the rupture of the friendship treaty with Algeria“.

This is why the training recorded at that time a request for appearance on the part, at that time, of the Minister of the Presidency of the Government, Mercedes Garridoand the government delegate to the Balearic Islands, Aïna Calvowithin the Institutional Affairs Committee of Parliament.

“We are concerned that the Balearic Islands can pay for the damage caused by Pedro Sánchez’s erratic and unilateral policies and that is why we will ask the government if it has already analyzed the situation and what measures are being taken to minimize the possible consequences of this break with Algeria in the Balearic Islands,” Costa said.

Finally, the spokesperson popular He stressed that “yesterday, in a single day, up to six boats with 113 people arrived on the coast of the Balearic Islands” and warned that “the migratory route could worsen if we do not have the collaboration of Algeria.” He also recalled that the Balearic Islands have already felt the effects of the lack of understanding between Spain and Algeria when President Bouteflika expanded its jurisdictional maritime waters, overlapping them with the jurisdictional waters of Cabrera, known in 2020.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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