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HomeLatest NewsProsecutor who was Begoña Gómez's "defense attorney" asks García Ortiz for promotion

Prosecutor who was Begoña Gómez’s “defense attorney” asks García Ortiz for promotion

He tax of the Begoña Gómez case, who, in practice, has constantly defended the interests of Pedro Sánchez’s wife, has presented herself to a promotion competition opened by Alvaro Garcia Ortizthe state attorney general. As OKDIARIO has learned, Jose Manuel San Baldomero asked for nothing more nor less than prosecutor at the National Court. He will have five rivals. He stands in the post 1 323 from the ranks of the public prosecutor’s office. He has three rivals above his rank and two below him in the running for the position.

He Tax adviceThe public prosecutor’s office that assists the state attorney general in his duties will examine the case in a few days.discretionary competition by which vacant positions in the tax career are to be filled. It also plans to study the report on candidates for promoter of disciplinary action and his replacement. On the other hand, the Fiscal Council will also study the balance sheet of the international activity of the Prosecutor’s Office and the report on the draft organic law for the protection of minors in digital environments. In the Fiscal Council, García Ortiz is in the minority with prosecutors critical of his management. However, this often does not take into account the criteria of the prosecutors who represent the entire body.

Prosecutor San Baldomero, known for his alignment mathematically with the positions of Antonio CamachoBegoña Gómez’s lawyer, will compete with Luisa Llopwho is currently already working within the National Court Prosecutor’s Office on secondment; with Louise Lafontwho works at the Madrid Community Prosecutor’s Office, with two prosecutors from the provincial government of Madrid and another from Girona.

On the other hand, Álvaro García Ortiz will have to listen to the assessment of the Fiscal Council for the key positions of Attorney General of the Chamber of the Supreme Court and prosecutor at the Supreme Court of the Civil Section. However, the Attorney General may subsequently on a discretionary basis, appoint whoever he wants, regardless of the criteria of the Fiscal Council, composed mainly of members of associations of prosecutors particularly opposed to García Ortiz. In fact, the attorney general has promoted members linked to his ideology and his organization, the Progressive Union of Prosecutors. Among others, he has promoted Dolores Delgado, Teresa Gisbert or Isabel Rodríguez Mateo. This is a strategy aimed at colonizing the public prosecutor’s office for the years to come and giving it a left-wing profile, denounce the sources consulted.

For the most important position at stake, that of Attorney General of the Supreme Court, prosecutors very well placed in the ranks are presented, such as Javier Zaragoza (2 of ranking), Alvaro Redondo (4) –the prosecutor of the Tsunami case who ruled out terrorism in relation to Carles Puigdemont–, José Martínez (6) –current prosecutor of the Supreme Court and former Attorney General of Castilla-La Mancha–, Jaime Moreno (11) –current prosecutor of the Deputy Coordinating Chamber of Penitentiary Surveillance assigned to the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court–, María Dolores Garrido (23 years old), Francisco Javier Muñoz (26 years old), Fernando Prieto (71 years old) and Rafael Escobar (83 years old).

For the post of Supreme Court prosecutor, the candidacy of Almudena LastraSenior Prosecutor of the Community of Madrid and 488th in the ranking. This prosecutor also published a letter in support of the interests of Begoña Gómez. He prepared a document in which he requests that Pedro Sánchez’s complaint be admitted for processing and that a file be opened for procrastination against Judge Juan Carlos Peinado.

In addition, the positions of chief prosecutor of CantabriaLieutenant-Prosecutor of Asturias, Lieutenant-Prosecutor and Chief Prosecutor of the Valencian Community and lieutenant prosecutor of Aragon.

Aligned with the PSOE

For his part, the prosecutor San Baldomero accumulates a long list of writings in favor of Begoña Gómez since Peinado opened the case on April 16. 155 days ago, the wife of the head of government was granted the status of accused, as published by OKDIARIO. The prosecutor arguedor active defense by Begoña Gómez. He recorded several texts in which he asks ignore the evidence against her and the direct record of the case, indicates that the judge’s decisions seem to seek a “general cause” against him disproportionately or, among other things, speaks of “conjectures” or “errors” in the magistrate’s instructions.

San Baldomero criticized each of Judge Peinado’s decisions, discrediting his alleged “speed” and requesting that the case be archived as it is considered an investigation “possible.” Another controversy arose when the judge refused to lift the secrecy of the minutes, which was extended until May. The prosecutor, in line with Camacho’s defense, considered this measure “disproportionate” to violate the rights of Begoña Gómez. Likewise, the prosecutor requested clarification on quote of the Rector of the Complutense University and of the appearance of the accused. Today, San Baldomero hopes to make the leap to the judicial elite and reach the National Court, where the most serious cases in the country are heard, such as those related to terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking, crimes against the Crown or economic crimes that cause serious damage to Spain.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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