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HomeBreaking NewsProsecutor's Office Calls for Sex Videos with Fake Faces and 'Fakes' Intended...

Prosecutor’s Office Calls for Sex Videos with Fake Faces and ‘Fakes’ Intended to Disinform to Be a Crime

The prosecution proposes that the so-called deep counterfeits. These are manipulated videos in which the face of a real person is usurped, with the aim of misinforming or presenting an unreal scene as truthful. For this, we use Artificial intelligence (IA).

In its latest annual report, made public this Thursday, the public prosecutor’s office proposes to “strengthen the legislation” and categorize these practices.

In fact, he warns against “the progressive increase in crimes committed by minors using social networks and those whose victims are minors themselves.”

As an example, he cites the case of deep false which shook the town of Almendralejo in Badajoz in 2023, which the prosecution describes as a “painful event”.

Thanks to a application In IT, several minors are said to have used the real faces of girls their age -photographs obtained from their social media profiles- and allegedly created fake images, “where “They superimposed other naked female bodies on them, in poses emphasizing the sexual organs, appearing to realistically correspond to the minors themselves.”

“The altered photographs were subsequently shared, causing humiliation and anxiety among the individuals concerned, aged between eleven and fifteen,” the report summarises. All of them were classmates of the authors. of photographic manipulation.

This is why the prosecution calls for “special attention to be paid to the development of artificial intelligence, which is already used for criminal purposes.”

In addition to generating fake sex videos -and even create child pornography content- and have the intention to harass and stalk their victims, the deep counterfeits They are also used to disinform. Another of its purposes is to enlighten excerpts that they change the discourses of politicians, in which they pronounce – at least that’s what the videos appear to say – words that they did not pronounce.

Precisely, as EL ESPAÑOL published, the party of Yolanda DiazSumar, urged the government to promote legislative reform that would penalize manipulated videos of politicians who are running for election.

In its report, the prosecution warns that the applications used to create these counterfeits “are very easily accessible and downloadable on the Internet.” “And one of them has the advertising motto: Naked girl“.

“This situation and the total lack of control are truly surprising,” the Public Prosecutor’s Office laments. “And Almendralejo’s case is not the only one, although it is new, since several cases have been opened in which the behavior, carried out via the Internet, has had other minors as victims.”

According to the prosecutor’s office, the event that occurred in the city of Badajoz “revealed the tip of the iceberg of a growing phenomenon; that of a new generation of adolescents exposed and unprotected in the face of new technological tools that are more dangerous than ever, with your privacy just one click away from going viral and an ever-present concern: popularity.

“It is certain that this case highlights the lack of maturity and awareness of certain groups of young people, who did not think, before creating these images, about the harm they would cause to girls,” he concludes.

The state attorney general, Álvaro García Ortiz, addressed this issue in the speech that began the opening ceremony of the judicial year.

“There is no doubt that technology and social networks are part of our lives and – more intensely – of our young people, which have transformed the virtual habitat in their natural means of communication and socialization,” García Ortiz said.

“But at the same time, these tools are capable of transforming minors into easy victims of crimes or irregular behavior, as well as potential delinquents at the mercy of inappropriate imitations, the need for visibility or premature behavioral experiences,” he warns.




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