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Provincial Council allocates more than 100,000 euros to associations serving the most needy groups

The Provincial Council of Toledo allocates more than 100,000 euros to assistance to associations serving the most needy populationsthrough agreements approved by the institution’s Board of Directors, chaired by Concepción Cedillo.

Different associations benefit each week from the agreements of the collegiate body responsible for analyzing the proposals of the different management delegations of the Provincial Council of Toledo.

Thus, the agreement with the Guardianship Foundation for Sudden Brain Injuries of Castilla-La Mancha was approved (CLM Foundation), for the development of the project responsible for providing specialized support and accompaniment care, particularly of a social and socio-health nature, to people with brain injuries caused to a certain extent with cognitive and physical limitations, due to the occurrence of their brain injuries. , which makes it difficult for them to adapt to society in a standardized and rational manner.

Support is also provided to the Talaverana Association for Multiple Sclerosis (Ataem) for the development of the project “Psychosocial care for patients and families and adapted transport to cover rural areas”, which is part of the Comprehensive Care Project, whose activities aim to ensure that people with some type of neurodegenerative disease, mainly with multiple sclerosis, benefit from the physical, cognitive, psychological and social rehabilitation necessary to promote their personal autonomy and improve their quality of life, while facilitating their full integration into society.

The association Neurorhbta receives the grant from the Provincial Council to fulfill its objectives through the project “Intensive and virtual reality therapies for people with acquired brain injuries”, which covers all areas of rehabilitation: cognitive, physical, emotional and social.

The objectives are to promote the personal and social development of people to optimize their quality of life and facilitate social inclusion, carry out intensive therapies that do not make the patient chronic, develop an individualized plan for each patient, carry out health, hygiene and safety actions, providing appropriate support to improve the level of adaptation to the new situation of the patient and his family, among other actions.

The Provincial Council provides support to the Pre-Transplantation and Transplantation Association of Castilla-La Mancha, for the development of the project “Awareness campaign on the importance of organ donation and psychological support for transplant recipients on the waiting list and their families”.

This is an awareness project aimed at raising awareness among citizens about the importance of organ and tissue donation, to offer a second opportunity to patients with a terminal and irreversible organic disease and whose alternative to improve their quality of life is to receive a transplant.

For its part, the Association of Parents of Alzheimer’s Patients of Talavera de la Reina (Afata) receives again institutional support for the development of the project “Caring for those who took care of us”, to increase the quality of life of people with cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, responding to their needs for psychostimulation, mobilization, psychomotor skills, gerontogymnastics, basic and instrumental activities of daily life, leisure, etc.

The CLM Deaf-Blind Association (Partner CLM) also benefits from the provincial government’s sensitivity to the “Inclusive Governance: Assistant Guide-Interpreter Service” project, facilitating access to information and functioning as a communication bridge between the deaf-blind person and their daily environment.

The Provincial Federation of Entities for People with Intellectual Disabilities and Cerebral Palsy of Toledo (Marsodeto) is carrying out, thanks to the Provincial Council, the project “Comprehensive support for families with people with intellectual disabilities”, based on the need to provide comprehensive support to families whose members have an intellectual disability.

Finally, the Toledo Association for Multiple Sclerosis (Adem-To) may acquire an adapted transport vehicle to cover the provincial needs of all users who, due to their disability and other circumstances, cannot come to the association to receive neurorehabilitation treatment.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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