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Provisional prison without bail for the ex-husband and two children of a woman stabbed on a terrace in Alicante

The president of the Court of Violence against Women number 3 of Alicante decreed this afternoon the entry into provisional prisonpress release and no deposit of the ex-husband and two children of a woman arrested for stabbing her last Monday in Alicante.

According to judicial sources, the judge also agreed, as a precautionary measure, Ban on approaching the victim and another of her daughters within 500 meters, as well as to communicate with them by any means.

The ex-husband of the 51-year-old woman was seriously injured this Monday on the terrace of a bar in Alicante by a knife, a 47-year-old man and two of their common children, aged 20 and 21, have been arrested as the alleged perpetrators of the attack.

The National Police Homicide Unit is investigating which of the three stabbed the victim to the right side and is initially investigating all threeattempted murder and the ex-partner also for a second crime of gender-based violence.

The events took place this Monday on the terrace of a bar in Manila Plaza in Alicante, in the Pla neighborhood, where the woman was with a girl when her ex-husband and two of their children arrived. As police sources informed LaSexta, the woman They pepper sprayed him.

It all started around noon when they started harassing her and at one point one of them took out a pepper spray and sprayed it in the victim’s face. The other He pulled out a knife and stabbed the woman in the right side.The attackers fled and were arrested a few hours later, around 8 p.m., by the police, who are trying to clarify the role of each of the three detainees in the attack.

The three arrested, Spanish, were transferred to the cells of the provincial police station until, in the coming days, they are placed in police custody while the victim is admitted to the Doctor Balmis General Hospital in Alicante without in principle, his life is in danger.




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