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PSOE blames Velázquez for traffic chaos due to “simultaneous works and lack of signaling”

The spokesperson for the Municipal Socialist Group, Noelia de la Cruzdenounced this Tuesday the chaos in the planning of the works carried out by the mayor Carlos Velazquez in the city and this hinders mobility in the historic center and surrounding neighborhoods. “The people of Toledo wake up every day with a new project that has not been communicated to them and is not properly reported,” he stressed, asking the bipartisan government to meet deadlines and provide explanations.

In statements to the media at Vega Park, Noelia de la Cruz insisted that “the mayor’s inaction and lack of planning” in terms of works worries the Municipal Socialist Group and also the residents of Toledo “who are driven crazy by these wonderful mobility devices that the PP and Vox government invent daily.” “How many works are open and not finished?” “When, for example, will Descalzos Street, under construction since January, be finished?” asked the socialist spokesman, who stressed that there are many complaints that arrive from residents of this area and the “Las Tertiarias” neighborhood. “Where will parents access to take their children to this educational center with active works also in Santa Úrsula and Bisagra?”

He also asked what the deadline was for the execution of the works in Covachuelas, Azacanes and Trinitarios, which have already been underway for some time and, in addition, in addition to the elimination of parking spaces, “without having yet explained the reason to us,” they do not ensure correct pedestrian mobility in the streets that have been intervened.

“Not far from here, at the gate of the Tavera school, there are some fences to cross from one neighborhood to another of this street that are on the ground and have been there for a month,” he added to show once again the laziness with which he addresses the mayor. Carlos Velazquez important actions for the city, of which he does not even care about the small details.

This “chaos in planning” also leads the Municipal Socialist Group to question the development of the future rehabilitation project of the La Vega park planned and presented by the previous government. Even the tenants of the kiosks have no news of how this will happen. “They told us that when Farcama is finished, the work will start the next day, but how are they going to start an intervention that they haven’t even put out a call for tenders yet?”

For Noelia de la CruzThis is another lie from the mayor and his government, of which the main opposition group knows nothing. A project, he recalled, in which parking spaces, investments in plantations and lighting will also be eliminated and the viewpoint will be removed “to say that the work is his.” The spokesman doubts that they are capable of properly planning this major remodeling. Thus, 16 months after the mayor took office, “the only poorly planned and uncommunicated works that cause traffic chaos in the city are those initiated and projected by the Socialist Party when it was in power,” he said.

It’s a sandbox, not a channel

In response to questions from the media, the spokesman for the Socialist Municipal Group regretted that a year had to pass after the DANA for the mayor to act and “go take a picture in Azucaica to inaugurate the start of the construction of a sandpit” and not of the canalization of the Villagómez stream while they are trying to sell us.

“The neighbors of Azucaica are not stupid, they should stop lying,” said Noelia de la Cruz, who asked the PP government and Vox how many years they would have to pass before channeling the flow if they really wanted to do it, and wonders if they should wait another anniversary or will they choose to blame the previous government.

“Meanwhile, throughout this year, neighbors have prayed that a DANA would not devastate the neighborhood again as the mayor proposed. Carlos Velazquez in a meeting he had with them,” the spokesman said, asking: “How many months will it take for the bipartisan government to assume government responsibility?”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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