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PSOE calls for change in provincial government after first year of “mismanagement and serious shortcomings”

He PSOE spokesperson in the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real, José Manuel Bolañosdenounced the “mismanagement” of the current provincial government team, formed by PP and Vox, and the “serious shortcomings” suffered by the provincial administration after his first year in officereasons why he demanded a change of government team.

Bolaños stressed that the Provincial Council, under the direction of PP and Vox“has lost the right direction, neglecting what is really the essence of this institution: support and assist the 102 municipalities and 3 Eatim of the province“, as reported by the PSOE in a press release. Bolaños said that “we are witnessing a bad version of the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real.”

Bolaños said that “PP and Vox have long aspired to govern this institution and All they did was live off their income, without making any significant improvements.”and added that “not only did they cut aid, but they They have set up a co-payment system“They award subsidies at random and the worst thing is that they have distorted the fundamental mission of the municipality, which is to be at the service of all municipalities, without distinction.”

“This is the essence of this institution and we are finally satisfied because Valverde has just called for the Extraordinary Works Plan, which does so much good for our people and that PP and Vox did not intend to publish,” adding that they have no doubt “that they have finally decided to launch this call in the face of the repeated requests and efforts that the PSOE group has made on several occasions during this legislature to demand this aid.

And he also mentioned other requests that have had a negative impact on this legislature, such as the call for drinking water supply networks, which, according to him, 20% of municipalities were unable to receive“something unprecedented and embarrassing” because “15% of this call remained unexecuted due to the co-payments imposed by PP and Vox.”

The socialist spokesman regretted that this inefficient and sectarian management seriously damages the image of the Provincial Council: “PP and Vox are damaging the reputation of the Institution, which the province of Ciudad Real does not deserve”, and gave data that reflect “the bad management” that they are carrying out during this first year.

“An example are the seven routes -2.25 million out of a total of 7 million– that 32% of the budget remained unexecuted, demonstrating a worrying improvisation in the preparation of the 2024 accounts,” he explained.

“And what is more alarming, we fear that this improvisation will continue, since they have not listened to the needs of the majority of mayors in the province,” he added.

Disinterest in social reality

In addition to this “disinterest in the real needs of the municipalities,” Bolaños indicated that the The provincial institution seems “disconnected from social reality”.

“The Provincial Council of Ciudad Real is going in a very different direction from the one society is taking. “They are not useful to the citizens and after more than a year of government, we can already say that this team has failed.”

Regarding the budget, Bolaños announced that “at that time, the Provincial Council should already be working on the next budgets for 2025”, which is not understood when “it has barely received so far 50% of the mayors of the province” who does not know the real needs of the municipalities “and continued to emphasize that this is not serious management and that, therefore, “it is time to think about a better province.”

The Socialist Group reiterated its request for the remodelling of the current government team, stating that “it is obvious that they cannot assume two positions of responsibility at the same time, as we warned them at the beginning of the legislature and that there is a huge presence of mayors” and, therefore, “it is not viable to have a part-time deputation, with representatives with an overload of functions that affects the efficiency of their work and has a negative impact on municipal management, since they are forced to share their time between the two responsibilities”, indicating that citizens need a government within the provincial council that functions at full capacity.

Another issue discussed was payment to suppliers and municipalities, specifying that “The deputation pays less than in previous years with the PSOE.”

The socialist spokesman also highlighted “the reductionist vision” that the government team has projected on the province. “We cannot allow the identity of Ciudad Real to be reduced to traditions such as pilgrimages and processions,” he continued, affirming that “we are much more than that, we are the largest wine-exporting province in Spain, we have Fenavin, we are in the production of Manchego cheese and extra virgin olive oil and we offer a privileged natural tourist destination with our Daimiel and Cabañeros national parks, among others.

Finally, Bolaños called for responsibility. “The province does not deserve this bad version of the Provincial Council that PP and Vox are proposing. Its management suffocates the municipalities and slows down the development of Ciudad Real. “We need a change to recover the essence of this institution and move towards a better province.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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