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HomeLatest NewsPSOE rejects legalisation of housing on rural land and parking on beaches

PSOE rejects legalisation of housing on rural land and parking on beaches

The PSOE rejects the legalisation of housing on rural land and temporary parking in seaside areas during the tourist season authorised by the Balearic Executive. Marga Prohens. They are part of the 200 amendments to the administrative simplification decree which will soon be debated in Parliament and which the socialist deputies presented at a press conference Mercedes Garrido And Iago Negueruela.

Garrido said that with their proposals they intend to return to the “model of territorial and urban consensus” that existed in the Balearic Islands and that, according to him, the PP will “suppress” in favor of one of “predation of the territory.”

Negueruela said his amendments would seek to increase building restrictions on rural land or protected areas, reduce buildability, protect the coastline and seagrass, freeze new tourist sites or promote public transport and electric mobility, among other issues.

In this sense, he urged the PP and the President of the Government, Marga Prohens, to support the proposals to modify the decree-law that they are proposing.

He nevertheless pointed out that there are a series of articles of the regulation against which no amendments have been presented because, from his point of view, “only repeal is possible” and he gave the example of the legalization of dwellings on rural land.

Garrido said he was against this decree that makes possible the legalization of “more than 30,000 homes with their corresponding swimming pools.”

In terms of urban planning, the socialists also demanded that “macro dwellings on rustic land”since these are usually properties with gardens and swimming pools that “add more pressure on the territory”. At the same time, they demanded that construction be prevented in areas vulnerable to fires and floods, since climate change “causes more extreme phenomena”.

In this battery of proposals, they included an amendment aimed at prohibiting the circulation of strollers, quads or any other type of all-terrain vehicle, in recreational mode, in natural areas defined by the law for the conservation of areas of environmental importance (LECO) and the law on natural areas.

The restriction would extend to unpaved roads in the rest of the rural areas of the Balearic Islands and in those that are paved with a speed limit of 30 km/h.

Garrido justified these restrictions by “protect the natural environment and the environment” but also to preserve “the coexistence and peace of the inhabitants of these neighborhoods.”

Regarding mobility, the PSOE presented another initiative for prevent the regularization of parking for eight months in areas near the beaches. Here he put the case of Santanyí, in Caló des Moro, and of Felanitx, in Cala Sa Nau.

The amendment proposes to allow park and ride facilities in areas adjacent to municipal centres on urban, developable or rural land in transition. They also proposed that these car parks be connected to public transport or cycle paths and that their treatment follow a public exhibition process and benefit from environmental approval.

Other socialist amendments would involve restoring the zoning of the decree on excessive tourism from the previous legislature, transforming the facilities intended for a large commercial area in Marratxí into land intended for Construction of OPV or set a deadline to ban the entry of diesel vehicles into the Balearic Islands.

Another issue that socialist MPs were asked about was the use that non-attached MPs can make of the spaces in Parliament.

Garrido explained that the Parliamentary Commission unanimously agreed that the use of parliamentary groups would be a priority, so that on days when the press room is used regularly, these groups will appear until 2 p.m. and will then be accessible to non-registered deputies in order of registration of candidacies.

The rest of the days can be used in the same way and the parliamentary groups will have priority over the non-attached members. “This is a temporary solution until a new agreement is adopted between the group spokespersons and the head of communication of the Parliament,” he explained.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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