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Puigdemont, badly placed

He last August 8ththe day of escape Puigdemontwas invited to La Antorcha. When the former president had already passed away; Luis Balcarce, who was presenting the program, asked me a direct question: “Do you think that Sanchez could have made a clandestine pact: come to the rally and leave?“.

I stammered, “I hope not.” I even said to myself: impossible. The deputy editor of this newspaper will forgive me. A sneaky deal between a fugitive from justice and the Mossos? Even between government and government? Nothing like this has ever been seen in a state governed by the rule of law.

Then, as the farce progressed, I began to believe that perhaps this was the case. That there was a cat in the bag. Active or passive. Due to the incompetence of the Mossos d’Esquadra or, on the contrary, to an excess of competition. After all, not long before, there had been another meeting of this type between Junts and the PSOE in Switzerland.

I have seen the footage of the event several times and I see how easy it was to catch the former president. How he arrives in a side street without any problem. And then he goes up on stage via a podium. All it took was to put plainclothes officers there and give him the document: “you are detained.”

But the Mossos, this newspaper also noted last Sunday, have taken refuge behind the police criteria of “coherence, opportunity and proportionality”. They even blamed Marlaska. These are the same principles that used the 1-0 to stand by and do nothing.

Nobody was interested in Puigdemont’s arrest. Afterwards, back to Waterloo, He reappeared in front of the TV3 cameras pretending to be working on the computer.. Impossible because I was without glasses. And without them, he is like me: he sees nothing.

The next episode was a tweet in which he criticized Salvador Illa’s appointments. According to him, he had formed “the most Hispanist government in history.” What did you expect?

I talk about hearsay or what I read in the media because it blocks me.Això opts for democracy” (“It’s about democracy”), they said. Or they hung banners in Palau in favor of “freedom of expression.”

He ended up complaining about the “media llamas” of the CPS as if they had no palmeros. “They spent years saying that absolute pro-independence majorities could not govern for everyone, now they are going to make us believe that the government of a party with 42 deputies will govern for everyone,” he concluded.

Carles Puigdemont is a specialist in seeing the point in someone else’s eye and not the beam in his own. The same man said he wanted to govern with 35 deputies, seven fewer than the Catalan socialists. Founded, besides a strange parliamentary pile-up: Illa had to withdraw her candidacy; ERC, you support; and the CPS abstain.

That’s why I feel like it’s getting more and more out of whack. Like that actor or actress who is no longer in the spotlight and wants to attract attention by any means possible.

The proof is that last Monday Jordi Turull was in Rac1. And Toni Castellà, from the Consell per la República, on Catalunya Ràdio. Just to reveal some of the mysteries of escape.

Turull relapsed the next day on TV3. The most important thing he said, at least according to the channel itself, is that “I’m not the type to throw in the towel.” And he called for not getting discouraged. In other words, spirits are at a minimum.

The truth is that a few days before the Diada, they decentralized it instead of making a single call. It cannot be said, for a few people, that it was a fiasco. And it falls on a weekday, on a Wednesday. Not on a long bridge.

In previous years, those from TV3 started to heat up the atmosphere as early as August. They almost called the staff of this or that section. And they affected the means of transport. What I don’t know is whether the sandwiches were included in the bus or whether they were the responsibility of the protester. This year, it seems that snacks will not even be necessary.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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