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HomeLatest NewsPuigdemont no longer knows what to do or with whom

Puigdemont no longer knows what to do or with whom

The independence movement fails to renew itself. Neither Republicans nor Post-Convergents have any idea how to restore hope to their voters, who did not stop believing in independence but had to rely on current political parties to achieve it and settled in a sort of “militant opposition” as a sign of rejection towards them. Puigdemont is increasingly isolated by Junts’ criticism, his suspicion and distrust of his own people and his lack of electoral “punch”, although he is still his party’s best asset. The outlaw, who also has no clear political project beyond his personal epic or allies to carry it out, intends to establish himself as president of Junts, condemning Laura Borràs to oblivion, and introduce Antoni Castellà, who has been in politics for 27 years. years of his 54 years and changed parties and discourse as power fluctuated in Catalonia. He was a deputy in Parliament for CiU, Esquerra and Junts. He was the only youth leader of a party (Unió) to be in power for over 30 years. Castellà went through the young people of Unió, through the seniors of the same party, through Esquerra, then he founded the Democrats and now Puigdemont’s big operation will be to absorb this last party and elevate Castellà to the rank of symbol of the meeting of the Junts. with the old Convergència Castellà played no role in any of the political projects in which he participated and is considered by himself and others as a mediocre and opportunistic politician, without any electoral appeal or particular interest in his speech. It’s not that Puigdemont doesn’t know it, but that’s precisely why he chose it. The former president only trusts people with blind obedience and an insignificant political profile who have no other way of securing their position than through fervor for the leader. His recent and multiple lunches with the director of the digital newspaper “El Nacional” give credibility to the emerging future that awaits Castellá. “To know who Puigdemont’s favorite is at a given moment, you have to see who eats José Antich,” explains one of the people who best understands Catalan politics. AL Menéndez The Spanish coach of City, ready to pay out of his own pocket the 1,200 euros cost of the banner hung at the stadium. Another representative of this extreme is the spokesperson for Junts in Madrid, Míriam Nogueras, who speaks in Catalan to journalists in Madrid. Congress groups and pressures his group’s deputies not to attend events or socialize in the capital. As always happens in organizations when they lose their centrality and their plurality and are based solely on the personalism of a normally cornered leader, Puigdemont demands of his irreducible dedication and military discipline and, although they grant it to him, he It’s hard for him to trust. them, Albert Batet, president of the Junts parliamentary group in Parliament, is moving downward. Jaume Giró has completely fallen out of favor, both in Puigdemont’s circle and in that of critics. Even Antich replaced him in his affections with Toni Castellà. But, as happens in Esquerra, Puigdemont’s criticisms are not very renewed either. As almost always in the shadows, without a defined position, David Madí is the most violent voice against the leadership of the fugitive. Madí was the mastermind of the process with the hardest and fastest approaches to achieve independence and now presents himself as a withdrawal strategist, proposing that Junts recover the center-right space that CiU occupied and that it preserves the independence movement as a theoretical formulation. , but without any intention of realizing it, at least in the years to come. In the extreme solitude of the former president, there is also the resentment of the Pujol family: “As long as he is here, my father will never become a member of the Junts,” says one of his sons. And that of Artur Mas, who criticizes his successor for putting the person before the country and the party. Puigdemont knows everything, but he only cares about his future. In this sense, it must be interpreted that he has given up on appointing a leader of the opposition to Parliament. Not because he does not want to oppose the president of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, but because he does not want any of his supporters to oppose him. He does not want to give power to anyone around him for whom he does not have irrefutable proof and numerous demonstrations. But also in terms of personal salvation, so as not to find himself definitively without options for dialogue, it must be interpreted that he has not yet decided whether he will vote for Sánchez on the budgets. Since the last meeting with Santos Cerdán started very badly, when the socialist leader got up to leave him, the accused rebel asked him to give himself one last chance and thus the Government changed its mind on the deficit path, he committed to declassifying documentation on the Islamist attack on Barcelona’s Ramblas in 2017 and Minister Albares insisted in the European Parliament on the official status of Catalan. The slap that Sánchez wants to give to Feijóo with the approval of the budget is very difficult, but not totally impossible.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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