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HomeTop StoriesPuigdemont threatens government to reverse deficit trajectory again

Puigdemont threatens government to reverse deficit trajectory again

Former President of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont This Thursday, he warned the government that Together will vote again against the path to stability: “For the same thing we voted ‘no’ on, we will vote ‘no’ again. If they change it, let’s talk about it.”

Last June, the post-convergent party had already reversed the budgetary stability and public debt objectives of the 2025 public accounts by voting against them. Togetheradded to those of the PP, Vox and UPN, forced the Executive to withdraw the budgets.

Puigdemont spoke through the social network X after the first vice-president of the government and Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus MonteroThey are said to be “building bridges” with Together and we urge Puigdemont’s party to vote in favour of the path to stability.

“As I see that they consider it a crime on our part to change our vote, the answer to what they are asking us now will be the same as we have always given, there will be no surprises,” Puigdemont said in the same message.

He also stressed that “mixing things up to confuse public opinion and stigmatize Together This is not a good idea at all.”

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Likewise, he urged the government to “rethink and reflect” on a graph that shows the execution of the budget in Catalonia and Madrid between the years 2015 and 2023.

“We have no way of understanding why in Madrid public investments worth 1,350 million euros MORE than what was budgeted were made in 2023, and in Catalonia worth 1,250 million euros LESS,” he concluded.

This same week, the post-convergent formation has already aligned itself with the right to prevent the approval of a proposal aimed at regulating vacation rentals and room rentals.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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