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Purchasing power, effort and quality of life

Purchasing power, effort and quality of life

Without a doubt, both from an individual point of view and from the point of view of a society, there is no better investment than what is made in educationsince improving the training of students is the basis for their greater training, which will allow us to have better professionals in the medium term and, thus, increase prosperity. Education is the the economy of tomorrow, and the former will be reflected in the latter, for better or worse.

This investment in education must be supported by at least three pillars: significant funding for good students without resourcesinstills the maxim that there is no success without effort and sacrifice, and imprint in the students a way of proceeding based on honor and respect.
Well, the educational policy of the government of the nation does not respect none of these three principlesneither in the non-university part nor in the university part; On the contrary, it banishes them and replaces them with antagonistic postulates.

For almost twenty years, young people have been placed in a bubble where the effort is not rewarded and the spirit of sacrifice is not encouraged as necessary to achieve the goals one sets for oneself. They were bombarded with ideas that they are entitled to everything and that they deserve it because they are themselves, and when they faced reality, outside the bubble, they saw that things are very different. They complain that they are in a worse financial situation than before. his parents and grandparentsbut they forget the effort they had to put in to achieve everything they achieved that was served on a plate.

Of all the harmful effects of Zapatero’s economic policy in his mandate, the most serious thing in the long term is perhaps to have convinced one or two generations of young people that it is not worth the effort, work and sacrifice to achieve their goals. This is why many, but not all, young people only want to have rights, but not obligations, and this is the quickest way to get there. a particular impoverishment of them and their loss of purchasing power and opportunities to prosper, but also of impoverishment of society.

A few days ago, while I was walking around the university campus, two young people were talking loudly, so, without meaning to, I overheard their conversation on the way to the classroom. One told the other that a teacher asked them to take notes in class, which she considered a nuisance. Well, he told his partner that he had made an appointment with the psychiatrist to try to get him diagnosed with ADD and, if he succeeded, he would take the report to the teacher and say: “Now you are going to have to give me the grades.

If he is really suffering from this disease, no one will stop him and he will be provided with all kinds of facilities, it would be more necessary, but if he is not and he is trying to fool a specialist so that he makes a bad diagnosis, as seems to emerge from his comment, the effect is brutal: simulation of an illness in front of people who really suffer from it; deception, that it is a bad way to behave in life; lack of respect to a teacher in the way he pretended to address him. All this reduces their possibilities when it comes to develop better in the world of work, to get better jobs, to prosper and, with their prosperity, that of society. When they left, I felt sorry for them, because the loss of spirit of sacrifice, This will likely condemn them to economic hardship.

A few days later, in a restaurant, I heard from another group of young people, a little older, that their goal in life was to work little, earn a lot and live well, i.e. , according to them, quality of life. Once again, social impoverishment as an economy appeared, because they did not know that money does not grow on trees, that their salary comes from the value they generate with their work, which must be high enough to cover the company’s highest labor costs. margin, and that if they continue with this attitude, they will have a temporary quality of life, which will last as long as their only responsibility is to go to work and then to have fun, because when they want to start a family or simply try to become independent in a stable way, you will see that Their purchasing power is low and they will be frustrated.

It is the result of an ideology which impoverishes society and to the economy: around twenty years ago, perhaps a few years more, young Spaniards were introduced into a fantastic bubble, where they were told, through multiple television series and social changes in many behaviors, that they had everything within reach and that they would not have to work much to achieve it. They introduced into their heads the idea that one must enjoy life, but to achieve this you didn’t need to work hardbut to travel every weekend, every bridge, every vacation period; going out constantly. In short, live as if there was no tomorrow.

This culture contrary to effort, to sacrifice, had its greatest depth in the relaxation of educational requirements, where it was possible to pass the course at school or at the institute with failed subjects; Or they lowered the programs ; where an education that was more of a game than a learning discipline was promoted.

And now all this means that they are not prepared and do not know the spirit of sacrifice well, not because they are worth less, since surely many of them could stand out enormously, but because, despite the fact that we repeat that they are the best prepared generationthis is not true: their preparation is rare on the academic level, because the level was very relaxed, and their capacity for suffering and effort is limited, because for many years, society has bombarded them with contrary messages.

This situation has a remedy, but to achieve it, young people must look in the mirror of their parents and grandparents: they received nothing as a giftbut little by little, through hard work, they began to form families to whom they were increasingly able to provide a better standard of living. They are not born with all their assets built up, as a rule, but rather they have progressed thanks to your effortsto his spirit of sacrifice, to his tireless work. Their parents and grandparents did not travel constantly and they prioritized saving over consumption so they could use it for other assets, a home in many cases.

Young people can therefore improve their situation by training even more; work to the point of exhaustion in your profession, to be able to learn and grow professionally; do your best. They can improve, assuming that they can’t have everything, that they have to prioritize and that to acquire a house they will have to give up a lot of things, like a car, vacations, trips or eating and dine out, as they did, in many cases, their parents and grandparents. Things are not revealed and they usually have this feeling for many years. It’s not your fault, but of the company it has engulfed them, but they can fix it if they adopt that culture of effort, sacrifice and dedication that began to disappear in Spain with Zapatero’s policies. If they do, they will be able to progress and, with them, the entire Spanish economy. It is only by rediscovering this spirit of sacrifice and making efforts that the economy will prosper and young people with it. Otherwise, the economy will continue to languish and young people will become more and more poor, even if they think that by working little they can have a quality of life, when they are only getting poorer .



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