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Rain and storms will mark the week

Mario Picazo has a prognosis that is not at all rosyrains and storms are coming, which will intensify as the days go by. This week we are facing a series of elements that are essential and that you may not have considered until now. It will be time to analyze what awaits us and what awaits us in days that we may not have considered until now. We look to the sky in the hope that it will be easier to leave the house.

These are times of change and relative instability, autumn is the rainy season par excellence, but beware, in some areas of the country it seemed that it had not arrived. The harsh reality is that we have before us certain details that have ended up being those that have accompanied us these days. It is time to bet clearly on certain details that will end up marking a series of elements that perhaps you had not taken into account until now. This expert is very clear about what awaits us and how to face it.

Mario Picazo gives us a weather forecast that brings bad news

Bad news for all sun lovers It is expected that these days the situation will change sometimes and we will begin to feel changes that will manifest themselves in the form of rain, wind and even snow in some places, due to the marked drop in temperatures.

We are halfway through a month of September that will bring us important news and that could end up being the prelude to something more. Without a doubt, we have before us situations that no one would expect and that could end up being those that mark a before and after.

The expert Mario Picazo has given us a series of news and developments that have ended up being those that mark these days and for which we are perhaps not prepared. These are September days, summer days, disguised as autumn. It is time to take out the mid-season jacket and the umbrella, to always have at hand what can protect us from changes that can be essential and that until now you would never have imagined.

This weather forecast will help us start planning for a weekend that will arrive with rain that will intensify as the hours go by.

Rain and storms will mark the week

we left Back from a weekend during which the DANA has been the main protagonist, but this element will not be the only one present. Continuing with the forecasts of El Tiempo by Mario Picazo, we are going to face a series of changes that will arrive at high speed and that could be almost permanent. We will have more rain than we imagine, following the weather maps.

As this expert tells us: “Temperatures remain almost autumnal in some areas of Spain and, although they may increase somewhat in these first days of the week, in the middle of the week a thermal drop is expected again in the north due to the arrival of a cold polar air mass that will even leave us with the first snowflakes of the season.

The instability that will accompany this significant drop in temperatures will extend to almost the entire country: “The beginning of the week could be marked by isolated rains in the north, although the entry of colder air between Tuesday and now Wednesday will favor the clouds to reactivate and discharge with greater intensity. Already on Wednesday, rains are expected not only in the northern third of the peninsula, but also in some areas of the Mediterranean, although in general they will be more extensive and abundant on Thursday. For the weekend, the weather is expected to stabilize further as the anticyclone takes position to the west of the peninsula. On Friday, there could still be some instability in the north and east of the peninsula during the first half of the day, but the weather will then stabilize. Saturday and Sunday are expected to be the sunniest days in many parts of Spain.

We will have to start preparing mid-season clothes for this week: “Even if temperatures rise by a few degrees between Tuesday and Wednesday, on Thursday the arrival of a front will allow the mercury to drop by a few degrees in the north, even if the air is cold”. It will spread towards the south over the days.”

Mario Picazo brings us a forecast that we may not have expected, but that will end up being a harsh reality. Autumn, as we do not know it, is closer than expected, as we see on these weather maps this week.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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