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Rajoy stays in Genoa

Rajoy is still in Genoa. Maybe he never left, at least his mind, tending towards contemplation and rest. History, daughter of caprice and interpretation, can be generous with him and not grant him as the main legacy the one who left us Sánchez, but rather be the one who implemented his intellectual and political absurdity as a sustainable strategy within a party which gave everything and under whose presidency it did nothing. Nothingness, this idea which can do anything and which, with calm, acts as a balsamic solution to problems, according to the Marian catechism. There is no known case in political history where an absolute majority has been so unhelpful.

And that’s it Doing nothing has become more than just a slogan in Genoa Thirteen.; a way of understanding life and politics. They do not understand the cultural battle that is taking place in this holy place because they cannot understand the importance that language has in the future of events. Recently we read and listen to columns with recognizable plumage, urging Feijóo to repeat the tactic of Ariolistian immobility, an idea disastrous for the interests of the Popular Party itself and of Spain, as has already been seen in the pass. Complexes and lukewarmness have never been the best allies of a sociological victory. Not even while waiting for an alternation which this time will not come through fatigue or capitulation, but rather through perseverance in the battle of ideas, in this war for freedom that part of the right refuses to start. Something is wrong if Sémper chooses equidistance between Sánchez and Abascal On this side of the scale, the situation would have a quick and easy answer if the rant is between Borja and Yolanda.

Everything in politics is language and depending on how you define the battlefield, name the topics for debate and invite your opponents to dance on your game board, the closer you will be to victory. This is how the left has understood it since Gramsci defined the political battle as something cultural and Laclau, in his modern version, deconstructed the class struggle to make it a struggle for causes. In the conceptual universe of the current left, everything is perception, feeling, cause and victimization. Everything is hegemony of the collective and antagonism on the part of those who oppress it, who are of course the criminal right, the fascist extreme right and the canonical reaction. In these conditions, who resists him?

The other day I had the honor of presenting a book entitled Toxic and by subtitle how to combat the totalitarian language of the left. Its author is Oscar Rivas and in the pleasant debate we had, we came to the conclusion that only by defining socialism and the left as they are and building a lexical and semantic battle framework to implement the ideas that it is possible to defeat and convince the citizen that the ideas of freedom are morally, politically and also aesthetically superior to those that the left claims to have, in its socialist aspect or in its metastatic and murderous communist drift.

So, from any liberal or conservative pulpit and platform It must be assumed that socialism is defeated when it is defined, and that it is defined by its history and its crimes, not by its need for conversion.chimera that will never happen. Socialism, and this must be repeated every day, every hour, every time and every place, is the greatest lie of humanity and the best propaganda in history. This means that they have devoted their efforts to selling what they claim to be so that people do not perceive what they really are, and thus, the acquisition of power becomes essential to change history, to modify consciousness. and tamper with minds, some so burned and rotten. that they would continue to vote for socialism even if their misery floods everything around them.

Socialism is that ideology that must build internal walls in the countries it governs so that people do not escape its chains, even if they sell as progress what is only progress for their elites. The ideas of freedom, where applied, have generated prosperity, poverty reduction and parliamentary democracy with healthy and sustainable alternatives. Liberals don’t want equality, we want to reduce poverty. We do not want the State to solve problems, because it does not know and cannot, but rather for the individual to be responsible for their actions, free in their decisions and in the search for alliances that allow them to develop and live according to their approaches.

If we understand the current context, we conclude that the left is not distanced from power with calls for tempered socialism, an oxymoron which, only from the pachorra mentality of Rajoyism, can be understood as an abandonment of its own ideas and of those who defend them, the voter. We must go further and this begins by highlighting the social, economic, institutional and moral regression that socialism represents each time it comes to power. And say it, tell it and explain it in parliamentary and media forums, inside and outside the electoral campaign, in interviews and rallies, in demonstrations and meetings, in the streets and in the squares. Because socialism lives better by looting the pockets of others and anesthetizing those who, naively, continue to vote for it. Furthermore, all that was missing was the support of those who had to be configured as a political alternative and not as a Marian continuity. To remove Sánchez from Moncloa, you must first remove Rajoy from Genoa. And then, unite the right and bring together these liberals and these conservatives who one day, because of nothingness and calm, left.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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