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Ramón Jáuregui dishonors the PSOE because his project leaves aside “half the country”

Strategic visions, warnings and a very nostalgic tone regarding to the PSOE “which most resembles Spain”These are the elements that characterize the letter signed by the former socialist leader. Ramon Jauregui this Friday in ‘El Correo’. In this letter, the former Minister of the Presidency of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero regrets that the party’s “country project” seems to “head towards a construction without taking into account the other half of our fellow citizens.”

A question that becomes important given one of the debates that have marked – and continue to feature – in Spanish political news in recent months: the single financing for Catalonia agreed between the COPS and the ERC. Its announcement raised fears that seemed to have passed and that were aggravated by the aid requested from the Canary Islands and Ceuta due to the migratory pressure that exists on their coasts. In short, territorial policy and its mode of contribution.

Of course, Jáuregui assures that “all the questions of our current policy They are used to polarize to both blocs.” A polarization that leads the former Lehendakari to regret that “Spain seems condemned to reproduce the political virulence of the tragic times of our past.”

Although Jáuregui does not directly name any formation, he self-criticizes the strategy pursued by the PSOE in this regard, considering that “many” of Ferraz’s “speeches” and “political reactions” “to feed this dialectic.”

He even exonerates from all responsibility what has always been the main socialist opposition: “It would be too easy, and partly unfair, to attribute all the responsibility for this growing “blocism” to the PP and the worrying presence of the extreme right and populism on our political horizon.”

Beyond criticizing the confrontation between the traditional left-right relationship, Jáuregui also focuses on the alliances made in recent years and, more specifically, on “the coalition with Podemos-Sumar”, which he recognizes “has had clear lights and shadows”. A problem that has led the PSOE, in the eyes of the one who also held the position of secretary general of the formation in the Basque Country, to place itself “sociologically in one more space left This limits our electoral growth in the centre.”

“We can therefore say that we have lost our vocation as a majority,” says Jáuregui, recalling that “In its time”, the PSOE defined itself as “the party that most resembles Spain”. Today, he regrets that “the country project” envisaged in Ferraz “seems to want to build itself without counting on the other half of our fellow citizens”. “Perhaps I let myself be carried away by nostalgia for a bygone era”, admits the former socialist leader.

Looking to the future, this refers to “so-called plurinational Spain”to which his party colleagues refer to justify the “nationalist pacts.” Regarding them, Jáuregui insists that they entail “electoral costs” such as the loss of “power in many autonomous communities” of the PSOE.

Although the former Lehendakari assures that he has always considered it “intelligent and convenient to integrate our nationalisms into the Spanish governance”, he maintains that the PSOE “This is an agreed federal project, not a confused and unequal confederation.” In fact, he admits to being full of “doubts” when it comes to “building this future with those who do not want to share it, and doing it against and against almost all the Spanish autonomous communities, bypassing the majority party in Spain.” “Furthermore, I fear acts that border on or violate our Constitution,” Jáuregui writes in the letter with a certain warning tone.

After analyzing the situation, the former minister of Zapatero sends homework to Ferraz in a very subtle way. He does it when he considers that “the PSOE must profile clearer leadership in the current coalition and it must do so by rediscovering the signs of a party with a majority vocation.

Furthermore, it gives indications on how to proceed: “Among other things, find a sincere discourse of renewal of the fundamental pacts of the State“on migration, foreign policy, defense, “and of course the ongoing financial and self-government pacts.” He thus invites the next Congress to serve “so that activism can reflect and debate the fundamental aspects of the project that these acronyms represent.” . “historical.”




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