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HomeBreaking NewsReactionary US policy under the banner of democracy

Reactionary US policy under the banner of democracy

As a result of Armenia’s military aggression, the liberation of our ancient historical lands, which were under occupation for almost 30 years, as a result of the 44-day Patriotic War and anti-terrorist measures, Azerbaijan’s growing military-political power in the South Caucasus and growing economic development seem to be worrying Western countries for some time now. European countries with pro-Armenian legislative bodies and governments, led by France, periodically make unfounded and biased statements against our country.

It seems that Western countries, which export political crises, coups and wars to all parts of the world, are having difficulty in displaying adequate behaviour in the new geopolitical reality that has emerged in the South Caucasus. The West’s attitude to the processes from an incendiary position, including the unstable and disturbing position of official Yerevan, is of this kind. Therefore, Armenia has not yet responded to Azerbaijan’s peace proposals. On the contrary, it is prolonging time by following the manipulation of its sponsors in the West.

Western countries, led by the United States and France, are taking systematic steps to revive the “Nagorno-Karabakh conflict” that has been thrown into the dustbin of history. A few days ago, the debate in the US Congress on the “Artsakh Revenue Recovery Act” in connection with Azerbaijan’s “aggression” on Karabakh is another provocation of forces that want to create tension in the region again. The proposal of Adam Schiff, deputy chairman of the Congressional group on the Armenian issue, and a number of other congressmen to pass the “Artsakh Revenue Restoration Act” by 2024 on September 18 should be considered a threat to Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity rather than the rights of Armenians who voluntarily left Karabakh.

Let us take a quick look at what they want. On the first page of the document there is a clause on the arming of Armenia by the United States and France. After Azerbaijan guarantees its territorial integrity, the West’s desire to arm Armenia is nothing more than an attempt to increase tension and destabilize the region. The signing of new arms sales agreements with Yerevan is a practical indication of the cunning intentions of the United States and France regarding the region. Armenia just needs to be careful in this matter. Any new provocation in the face of the ever-strengthening Azerbaijani army will cost Yerevan dearly.

The document further talks about large-scale economic aid to Armenia. Moreover, the steps taken by the Armenian diaspora to provide financial support to Armenia through its campaigns in different countries of the world are also noteworthy. The actions of a number of state and international organizations that finance Armenia with debt funds and infrastructure investments are actually indirectly used to finance terrorism and occupation. Thus, in this regard, a part of the funds that Armenia has lately attracted from foreign organizations for financing infrastructure projects is subsequently used for the development of transport corridors for money laundering schemes. Such corridors are also marked by international organizations as dangerous routes for drug smuggling and arms transportation. It should be noted that the design of a new “Marshall Plan” for Armenia by the US and its allies in April this year should be considered as a continuation of the “generous” aid provided by the European Peace Fund and the US Agency for International Development to Armenia.

All this is a determined policy, the goal is to “revive” the Karabakh problem and prepare Armenia for a new war over Karabakh. All this creates new hopes in Armenia and hardens its position. Armenia has already started to talk more about “Nagorno-Karabakh”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister of this country speak of “ethnic cleansing”. Armenia is beginning to repeat the old mistakes that resulted in last year’s anti-terrorist operation.

The self-respecting states and organizations of the world did not even listen to the voice of our compatriots, who for 30 years were subjected to a life of forced displacement due to the occupation of their lands, and turned a blind eye to the Armenian occupation.

In accordance with other requests from Schiff and other congressmen, all American financial institutions holding Azerbaijani sovereign assets should report these assets to the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control. Within 60 days of the law being passed, the president must block transactions with these assets, and after blocking, he must imprison them within 90 days. According to them, the Artsakh Revenue Recovery Fund will receive the confiscated assets from Azerbaijan and then use these funds to compensate displaced Armenians from Artsakh who lost their property, businesses, and jobs as a result of Azerbaijan’s “military attack.” It is clear that this proposal means plundering the state’s sovereign assets.

It should be noted that official Baku has repeatedly revealed its open and peaceful position regarding the reintegration of Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region. In the reintegration plan announced a year ago, the provision of physical and social infrastructure (education, healthcare, energy, gas, water, roads, communications, reclamation, etc.) in order to accelerate economic development in the economic regions of Eastern Zangezur, an incentive package was planned, including tax and customs concessions, favorable loans for entrepreneurial activities, interest rate subsidies, and loan guarantees. Local farmers were also subsidized and exempted from all taxes except land tax, and benefited from benefits, social services, and employment programs. In addition, by ensuring the right of Armenians to protect and develop their culture, ethnocultural characteristics, freedom of religious belief, and protection of cultural and religious monuments, the opportunity to use the Armenian language was created.

It is clear as day that the Armenians have no intention of returning to the sovereign territories of Azerbaijan, despite the fact that the Azerbaijani side has repeatedly called on Armenian residents to remain in their homes and return. In such a case, the “Armenian zeal” of the West does not mean protecting their rights and ensuring their livelihood. This is nothing more than creating a new source of conflict in the South Caucasus and bringing Russia, Turkey and Iran into its sphere of influence. History shows that the US military presence in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria cost these countries the price of deprivation.

As for Congressman Schiff, it seems that new decorations and medals are missing from his chest. It should be noted that in 2011 he was awarded the Order of Mkhitar Gosh, and in 2021 – the Order of Friendship for his significant contribution to strengthening and developing friendly relations between Armenia and the United States, as well as recognizing the so-called Armenian genocide at the international level.

The United States should not forget that Azerbaijan has a decisive say in the implementation of all economic and transport projects in the South Caucasus. Azerbaijan is currently considered the main transit country for alternative supplies of energy resources from Central Asia to European markets. In this regard, Azerbaijan’s response to any US provocation may have shocking results for Washington.

Information Agency “Report”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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