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Real de San Vicente will host the “I Conference on Social Welfare of People in Rural Areas”

The city of El Real de San Vicente (Toledo) will host the ‘I Conference for the Social Welfare of People in Rural Areas” which will take place on the last two weekends of September and which is expected to attract between 500 and 1,000 people from municipalities in the Sierra de San Vicente region, as well as visitors.

A initiative of the Town Hall of El Real de San Vicente which is an example of the dynamism of the towns in the Sierra de San Vicente region and their commitment to launching constant activities aimed at the population of this impressive area of ​​the province of Toledo and also with a view to attracting visitors. municipalities.

This was highlighted this Thursday by the Council delegate in Talavera de la Reina, David Gómez, in the presentation of these first days that he shared with the mayor of Real de San Vicente, Jorge Martín, and that took place at the headquarters of the Council Delegation in Talavera that “has once again become a showcase of what the region is all about from Talavera in this case from the Sierra de San Vicente.

A region that “is going through a very positive moment,” said David Gómez, and in which “thanks to the initiatives that we are carrying out from the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, in collaboration with the municipalities of the region, the Sierra de San Vicente manages to reverse a situation of depopulation and succeed in attracting new visitors.

As reflected in the data of recent years “with this positive balance of almost 400 additional people living in the Sierra de San Vicente.”

“In part – continued Gómez – thanks to initiatives such as that of the City Council of El Real de San Vicente that we present today and which is added to those that Jorge and his government team offer every weekend not only to their neighbors and neighbors but also to the many visitors that the city attracts.

A commitment that “other municipalities of the Sierra de San Vicente have also made with different initiatives that attract visitors and contribute to making these municipalities known, the beauty and cultural and environmental wealth that they cherish and the quality of life that they offer”, he highlighted.

The character of these First Conferences for the well-being of people “combines perfectly with the territory of the Sierra de San Vicente”, defended the delegate of the Council in Talavera since “it is a healthy region and also It is a magical place, with corners like chestnut treesforests that have environments like Mount Venus or Bear’s Head.

“Places full of nature, with a unique and privileged ecosystem and, in addition, with a unique heritage and historical complex in all of Castilla-La Mancha and Spain”, as David Gómez defined it.

And these first days have an incomparable framework to bring activities in the field of health in rural areas, with this marked alternative character to the usual ones proposed by this project which will take place on the following days September 21 and 22, 28 and 29 in El Real de San Vicente, as explained by its promoters, Gerardo Garrido and Juan Carlos Caballero.

Among the objectives of this healthy meeting are: to propose different and unconventional approaches with activities that directly and indirectly benefit the physical and psychological health of people; to share with people theoretical and practical experiences for their application in daily life; to integrate and disseminate the initiative in a particularly unique natural and rural setting; to generate a social, cultural and economic impact where the activities are carried out; and that these serve as valid references to integrate the environments, context and life circumstances that affect people.

All this animates the 14 activities proposed during these first days at the Real de San Vicente, for everyone and ranging from proposals such as biodance; “kundalini” and “hatha” yoga; “ecstatic dance”; fundamental osteopathy; “Vipassana” and meditation of the heart in nature; healthy eating; aerial therapy, access bar; mushrooms and healthy eating, body and mind; sound baths or healing sounds, among others.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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