When carrying out different operations on the financial market, one of the main indicators to take into account is precisely: gold price datawhich vary over time, because this raw material and its evolution are an excellent indicator for investors who operate in different markets.
In this way, in elEconomista.es can check the price of gold and its evolutionin a graph where you can see the real price of an ounce of gold, expressed in euros. In addition, in the graph summary you can filter in time by week, month, six months or one year.
Similarly, you can check gold value statisticssuch as the maximum since January, as well as the minimum, the maximum of the last 52 weeks and news related to the price of gold and its evolution.
Gold Price Today: Updated Data
- Gold price per kilo (euros): 72,697
- Gold price per gram (euros): 72
- Gold price per ounce (euros): 2,261