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HomeLatest NewsRebujino and Tomás Rufo, the story of a forgiveness in Talavera

Rebujino and Tomás Rufo, the story of a forgiveness in Talavera

Juli and Tomás Rufo, going around the ring together. It was the image of the afternoon. And the fact is that the Madrid teacher, even if he is not considered enlightened, succeeds in everything he undertakes. It was the bull pardoned by Rufo in his successful solo bullfight in Talavera, in which he revealed himself to be a long bullfighter in which many versions are integrated, which is fundamental. He even put flags. Full, six ears and pardon. What more could you ask for?

Well, to be picky, a proper presentation. That’s what was missing from the beef (I mean, bull) of El Freixo, horribly chopped and, despite that, of exceptional quality, duration and humiliation. A gentle expert, with her nose to the ground. Rufo knew how to handle it perfectly throughout the task, without demanding at the beginning and even some fabulous naturals holding together at the end. His parents received the toast of the bull, which did not tire of charging, just as Rufo did of fighting it.

The third was also good, rewarded with a return to the ring, which he went to receive in the pigsties. He miraculously escaped a scare when Calesero headed towards him. Enraged, he hit some well-made veronicas. The one from Victoriano del Río fought with stick blows, eliminating Rufus with gaoneras with the transmitting animal. After some good pairs of the juniors Larios, the one from Pepino got down on his knees in third. The animal was long, with character and humiliation on the right hand, although with a tendency to overcome himself, so he had to be very submissive. Naturally, he showed his face with more quality, so Rufo decided to base the work on the hand of money, with long blows of muletazos, although the adjustment was lacking in some passages.

Before the celebration began, the fans had brought out their bullfighter to greet them, who returned the favor by offering them Sureño, the first of the afternoon. Garcigrande’s looked at the boards whenever he could, especially naturally, but he had a lot of class and, when he went, he showed his face in a spectacular way. The right-handed, tempered and linked series stood out. The chicken sang, so the task ended in a draw. Back lunge and first ear.

The mayors went from one place to another in the square, while the public did not know what was happening in the pens, waiting for the second one to come out. And finally Santiago Domecq appeared, with little desire to appear. The same ones he was supposed to attack. It is strange that the worst bull of the afternoon came from one of the winning farms of the season.

The fifth invalid was returned, so Finito, by Daniel Ruiz, came out. After the process of the horse, Rufo eliminated the tafalleras, fighting like Morante. Fernando Sánchez got off the horse, after a good couple, and Rufo began to overtake him from behind. The bull lacked humiliation and spark, as well as dedication. He went, sometimes for a long time, but with his face high. A last commuter train, before the Luquecinas, finished warming up the atmosphere. Two more ears on the sportón.

And, to show that he left nothing inside, he returned to the pigsty in the last one. On his knees, he continued to bluff Aguaclara, who slipped in from the right when he had already regained the vertical. Peck, something else. And that something else was a third of banderillas starring the matador himself, to general enthusiasm. In a posture of penance in the media, the task began, but the forces did not accompany that of Cuvillo. Despite a puncture, they gave him another ear.

The token

Bullring of “La Caprichosa”. Saturday, September 21, 2024. Almost sold out. Toros de Garcigrande (1st, with class), Santiago Domecq (2nd, tamed), Victoriano del Río, (3rd, return to the ring), El Freixo (4th, pardoned), 5th (Daniel Ruiz, without recovery but with mobility) and Núñez del Cuvillo (6th, without strength). Of uneven presentation, although varied in its general lines.

Thomas Rufowhite and silver: back slit (ear). Two knocks and push (silence). Puncture and back push (two ears). Forgiveness. Half-lying fall (two ears). Poke and push (ear).


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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