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Regime journalists, regime journalism

There are two types of journalists in Pedro Sánchez’s Spain: those who lead their whole life waking up in the morning spitting subsidized bile against Voxeven before the first coffee which animates the wills of the sleeping How does Abascal’s party behave with the left?and those who justify the name of journalism by monitoring and denouncing power, which is usually on the other side. The habit of labeling, insulting, qualifying, belittling and categorizing a political formation by the scribes of the regime (the Francoists and the Sanchists) has collided with digital modernity, and now any user can question the journalist and be ridiculed for his servile submission. to a party, the newspaper archives serving as the archives of the Indies. Moral decency and professional ethics oblige us to be on the side of those who publish the deviations of the supreme command, the scandals of the leaders and servants and the corruption of presidents and families. The rest, backlicker of power.

In the well-known strategy of seasoning scandals with the know-how of a chef general public, Sánchez allows himself to control the public impulse with a goldsmith’s precision. The national chronicle continues to write, between two licks, on questions already written for a long time about the character and personality of the subject and the liberticidal drift of the farm he runs. It is reading today the famous columnist talking about the shame that accompanies so much palmerism towards Pedro and one wonders how he could have endured so long without noticing such obvious submission. There are not few who, in the shadow of their office, confess their fatigue in dealing with those who perpetuate their critical homily on the networks and in editorials, saying the same thing that we have been defending for years, without their success being placed or their buttocks pushed by power to such a gathering. Perhaps the price to pay for going on the radio or television to pontificate journalism is to be brave. a posteriorimaking their analyses a coherent series of academic platitudes. But they have a name, a reputation, colleagues who never stop congratulating them and enough nights of Negronis for someone to get them off that donkey and off their profitable media chair.

Just yesterday I read two famous tribunes expressing their displeasure with Pedro Sánchez over the hoax law he issued (nothing anti) arguing that this put democracy at risk and that in a system like ours, it is journalism that controls power and not the other way around. In addition to the fact that such a brilliant collection is highlighted in bold, other colleagues have been quick to hail this reflection as a unique discovery of national literature. Let Camba, Azorín, Chaves Nogales and Pla tremble! they thought. It is on the side of the pseudo-free press, which we already know that, depending on the subsidies, if it orders a reverse critique from above, it will act accordingly.

However, we must thank him to Pedro Sanchez, which promotes a law to fight against hoaxes and disinformation while the main champions of this reverse ethics are its main media: there are no more denials, letters to the editor, corrections from the digital community and calls from listeners asking to rectify information, news, a report or directly treating as a liar the scribe who commits his hagiography than those who suffer daily The country, Laser, The sixth either eldiario.esall of them receiving a public salary, since we all pay what the government gives them for their generous editorial support. Persecuting what is cultured is a new notch in the trilero revolver of someone who has so distorted the democratic foundations of a society that even its main amanuels and buffoons do not distinguish perception from reality, which is why they become obscure when a principled politician comes to sing praises of the boatman’s truths to those smiles of the regime who, out of moral cowardice or need for money, write, give their opinion and discuss as if nothing had happened, while the dinosaur is still there. Neither Spain rides like a motorcycle, nor are we yet ready for a revolt, not while we have in our pockets so many intellectuals committed to health and education.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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