The island received four canoes in less than 24 hours
The Guadamar Talía rescued a canoe with 72 people in El Hierro, including four women, as pressure continues to mount on the island, which welcomed four canoes in less than 24 hours.
Additionally, Adhara lifeguard saved a few 60 to 70 sub-Saharan migrants of a Mauritanian-style cayuco, the data of which remains to be determined during the on-shore count. The Acrux sea saver was also activated by a new canoe at 6 miles, still with no data.
These two canoes join the one saved yesterday also in El Hierro, with a total of 51 migrants on board located by radar 16 kilometers from the island. A few hours earlier, Maritime Rescue rescued 47 sub-Saharanamong whom there were 42 men, four women and a minor, in the port of Arrecife (Lanzarote), and another inflatable with 52 migrantsall in good general condition.
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