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Ribera to oversee EU green transition after failing twice on Valencia water issue

Therese Ribera He will hold the vice-presidency for the Clean, Fair and Competitive Transition in the European Union. A designation that comes just over three months after Teresa Ribera herself was officially appointed disapproved by the Valencian Cortes and the Valencia City Council for its policy of the Spanish government on water in the Valencian Community. And especially on two issues: the reductions of the Tajo-Segura transfer. And also the Albufera of Valencia.

In the case of the Valencian Cortes, the PP stated at the time that Teresa Ribera’s disapproval was due to various issues, including, among others, those already mentioned: the cuts to the Tajo-Segura transfer and the water of the Albufera de Valencia. The spokesperson at the time popular In the Autonomous Chamber, Miguel Barrachina summed up all these questions forcefully: “To lie on the water“.

In the case of the Valencia City Council, the origin of Teresa Ribera’s disapproval lies, as the City Council itself stated at the time, in: “Their lack of commitment to the conservation of La Albufera“, where the 20 cubic hectometres committed by the Government for the lake of this natural space did not arrive in May 2024.

This transfer requested by the Valencia City Council has its origins in an agreement with the Spanish government, through the Ministry of Ecological Transition, that of Teresa Ribera, which was not respected. And this issue is at the origin of the two failures which, on the eve of the European elections, were carried out both by the Valencian Cortes and by the Valencia City Council to the aforementioned Teresa Ribera.

The two refusals

Specifically, Teresa Ribera was officially disapproved on May 28 by the Valencia City Council with the votes in favor of the same disapproval of the PP and Vox and the abstention of Compromís. All this, for “her lack of commitment to the protection of La Albuferadue to the inaction of his ministry and the persistent non-compliance with the committed water contributions included in Royal Decree 35/2023 of January 24, composed of 10 hm3/year from the Júcar system and 10 hm3 from the Turia system destined for the lake. of Albufera.

On the 30th of that same month of May, the Valencian Cortes also failed with Teresa Ribera with votes in favour of the PP and Vox and, against, the Socialists and Compromís. “We are fed up with their lies”, summed up in the Chamber the one who was then spokesman for the Valencian PP. Miguel Barrachina v.How does disapproval provoke?

The underlying argument of popular and Vox to proceed with this disapproval was due to several reasons in the Valencian Cortes. Specifically, they blame him for the paralysis of 60 projects to improve the coastline of the Valencian Community, planned by the government of Mariano Rajoy; on 24 “Political” cuts in the Tajo-Segura transfer and the “non-compliance” with the agreement that established the contribution of 20 cubic hectometres of water to Lake Albufera in Valencia before May 15, of which only 2.5 had arrived.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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