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HomeEntertainment NewsRN's strategy to put Barnier's government at the service of its ideas

RN’s strategy to put Barnier’s government at the service of its ideas

lThe National Rally (RN) did not wait for the government to assume power to consider it indigestible. “Do you want to eat some more of this spoiled dish?” scraping, Thursday, September 19 on the social network

“A government without a future”Jordan Bardella confirmed two days later, when the nominations were made. With her 126 deputies, Marine Le Pen could automatically rule out this menu if she did not like it. But the three-time failed presidential candidate intends to use this unprecedented power to increase the pressure on a government that will only owe its pardon thanks to the concessions made to the extreme right.

Since Michel Barnier’s appointment to Matignon on 5 September, the RN has been careful not to set its sights on “red lines”The former European Commissioner knows that after avoiding people being tried “disrespectful” For Jordan Bardella’s movement (Xavier Bertrand, Eric Dupond-Moretti, Gérald Darmanin), he will have to make promises about not raising taxes and fighting immigration and insecurity in order to avoid censorship. It is up to him to guess what measures might satisfy – for a while – the former National Front.

ideological pawns

Several party leaders are betting that the Prime Minister will not survive the 2025 budget review, to which they promise a “49.3” and then censure in a hemicycle paralyzed by the “tripolarization” resulting from the last legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. But the Frente members count on every deadline, from the declaration of general policy (scheduled for July 1)Ahem October), to promote their ideological pawns.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. The National Rally gives Michel Barnier a chance: “We will judge by the evidence”

Reduction of VAT on energy, reform of state medical aid, increase in the budget dedicated to the expulsion of illegal foreigners, abolition of independent authorities: the RN likes to distill in private the commitments that could lead to its indulgence. Without any guarantees or limits.

Marine Le Pen will save the government as long as she finds it useful to legitimize her program and feed the story of her growing influence. “We will try to get the most out of it in terms of immigration and security: more [Michel Barnier] We will make promises, the longer we let it last.sums up Matthias Renault, MP (RN) for the Somme. We want to make the most of his statements and force him to legitimize our discourse.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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