Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 2:12 pm
HomeBreaking NewsRostec wants to take control of Ivanovo heavy machine tool plant

Rostec wants to take control of Ivanovo heavy machine tool plant

Immediately after the decision of the lower court on the deprivatization of the Ivanovo Heavy Machine Tool Plant (IZTS), the state corporation Rostec asked the government to transfer shares of the enterprise to it, the press service of Rostec reported.

“In fact, they turned to the state with a request to transfer the plant’s shares to the state corporation. This happened immediately after the decision of the court of first instance to deprivatize IZTS.” – declared in the state corporation.

TASS also reports that the STAN holding company, which is part of Rostec, is currently forced to rent part of the IZTS facilities, where it produces machine tools. But, according to the source, private owners “obstruct this work”.

RBC also clarifies that Rostec, as a third party, participated in the deprivatization case. However, the court had previously refused to transfer the asset to the state corporation.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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