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Rude Camilla, Charles III the kangaroo and spiked pants – Morning coffee with EADaily

Everything is the same. The level of culture of American politicians remains surprising. Camila is an example. He casually insulted the leaders of four states, said about Trump, “who he is” and stuff like that. And millions of Americans are willing to vote for such rudeness and nonsense. Therefore, they are exactly the same. However, it has long been known that the vast majority of Americans are arrogant but illiterate boorish people. Sometimes it seems that the Almighty punished the Earth by creating the United States on it.

1. The Finnish state credit organization Finnvera stated that Russian legal entities quickly repay debts on issued loans. According to the organization’s representative, Jussi Haarasilta, the lender expected delays due to the sanctions imposed, Yle reports.

The Finns judge for themselves. Guys, you are the slow ones, not the Russians!

2. “Many Ukrainian high school students, especially young men, have left Ukraine lately. The Minister of Education of Ukraine, Oksen Lisovoy, spoke about this: “We are seeing how in the tenth and eleventh grades many children, especially boys, go abroad… But we encourage them to stay in Ukraine in several ways.” However, he did not specify what exactly the notorious methods were.

How can Nazi Lisova’s children be motivated to stay in fascist Ukraine? That prohibited speaking Russian in schools even during breaks. Just fear.

3. NASA director Bill Nelson is confident that the international space station can only be controlled with the cooperation of the United States and Russia. In an interview with Aviation Week And Space Technology, he said he was very happy to see “how good it is for the two countries to have common ground.”

As long as there are such people in the United States who look at the world realistically, there will be hope for the United States to survive. Although… I don’t know if I’m happy about this?

4. Defense ministers of NATO member states plan to begin reviewing their policies toward Russia. According to Politico, the alliance members intend to hold debates within the alliance and discuss the Russia-NATO Founding Act, as “the time has come to develop a new strategy that takes into account the specific positions of the allies.” .

In fact, these actions can simply be called “moving the pants to a new nail.” The ultimate goal, destroying Russia, still persists.

5. According to Spiegel, the German government has decided to deploy rapid response special forces units (German name GSG 9) to energy infrastructure facilities in the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, in Poland they announced that they were going to buy 800 missiles with a range of 900 kilometers for the Polish army to attack Saint Petersburg.

So who is the aggressor? Russia, which has not taken a single step towards Germany and Poland, or NATO, which openly threatens Russia?

6. kyiv does not agree to end the conflict on the front line, which has been increasingly written about in the West lately. This was stated to the German publication Die Welt by Mikhail Podolyak, advisor to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, writes EAdaily. “Today we have all the tools to make Russia lose. The exhaustion of the Russian Federation is already evident,” he stated.

The only thing that is obvious is the advisor’s lack of mental capacity. And this has been evident for a long time. And why do you need intelligence? Overweight.

7. The Prime Minister of Japan, Shigeru Ishiba, during the debate of the heads of political parties on the eve of the election campaign on the desire to create a world without nuclear weapons, recalled the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, directly stating that the Atomic bombs were dropped on Japanese cities by the United States.

Well, that’s it: the United States will now weave bast shoes for Isibe. This same topic was taboo in Japan. Even at the ceremony commemorating the bombing, they did not say who exactly did the bombing. The United States does not let him work.

8. The New York Times devoted material to Ukrainian “dragon drones,” whose use in the zone of special military operations was previously reported. At the same time, CNN noted in its September report that similar munitions were used by the Nazis during World War II.

It would be strange if, having borrowed the ideology of the German Nazis, the Ukrainian Nazis did not borrow weapons.

9. Chairman of the Information Policy Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Nikita Poturaev supported the raids of military commissariats against men in restaurants and nightclubs, as well as at the concert of the Okean Elzy group. The deputy expressed confidence that the control of citizens’ documents after the performance of “Okean Elzy” does not pose a threat to Ukrainian culture.

You cannot threaten something that does not exist. Modern Ukrainian culture is a myth, a chimera, a ghost.

10. The head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Ermak answered the question of a journalist from the ICTV channel about how he sees the participation of Russian representatives in the next “peace summit” if Vladimir Zelensky’s decree prohibits negotiations with the Russians. . Ermak said it is prohibited to negotiate only with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

And what does the Backward have the right to negotiate? They are a priori illegitimate.

11. King Charles III will not interfere with Australia if it decides to separate from the British crown and become an independent republic. This is reported by the Daily Mail newspaper. The last referendum on this issue took place in 1999, when a majority of Australian citizens (55%) voted in favor of remaining under the rule of the Crown.

And they do not need independence if slaves want to remain slaves. In the 21st century, people vote to remain a colony! A kangaroo is a kangaroo. 53 grams of brain. And Carlos III needs precisely those topics.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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