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Rueda refuses to “cut up” the financing system to make it unique to each community

The president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, rejected that the regional financing system be “cut into pieces” to give a single regime model to each community, because he understands that the country “would lose a lot”, he warned. This was stated this Thursday in Viveiro (Lugo) in the ‘sixth edition of the Eo’ Meetingsorganized by La Voz de Galicia and La Voz de Asturias with the sponsorship of Banco Sabadell, in which he participates with the president of the Principality of Asturias, Adrián Barbón

The Galician president stressed that regional funding should not be “cut into pieces” to give “each community” a single regime, because the entire country would lose by breaking “the solidarity” that balances and equalizes the territories. Thus, he reiterated his opposition to the quota system like the one who appreciates wanting to expand to Catalonia after the investiture pact concluded between the PSC and the ERC.

“If we are a country of solidarity, which believes in the rules for the provision of basic services everywhere, we cannot allow this system,” said the leader of the Galician PP in his first intervention in the clash with his Asturian counterpart, which continued for two hours in which, in addition to financing, they addressed issues such as: tourism, rural situation and economy or public services such as education and health.

In the context of the debate on the reform of regional financing, Rueda stressed that Galicia is committed to a model focused on the cost of providing public services based on the characteristics of each territory.

In the Galician case, he stressed dispersion and aging of the population as factors that make the provision of public services more expensive, which is why he believes that the new system cannot, as other communities defend, pivot around the number of inhabitants.

In this regard, Rueda recalled that “many taxes are already paid in Galicia” and that the calculations made by the Xunta with the “little information” transferred from the government amount to 444 million euros What would be lost if the concert system of Euskadi and Navarre were also transported to Catalonia.

Joint negotiation

Rueda stressed that these are surveys made due to the “lack of information” and that “the little certainty” is the intention double the territorial compensation fund With which the community would receive 70 million euros while “the deficit” caused in the regional coffers by the cost of providing services if we tackle the factors of aging and depopulation reaches 550 million euros.

The Galician President stressed once again that the path to follow for the reform of the financing system is the convening of a conference of presidents to discuss the “between all” model.

For this reason, he said that if the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, summoned him to an institutional meeting, he recalled that He has not yet received it since his inauguration. in April – will be willing to address bilaterally the economic issues affecting Galicia, but will say “no” to the negotiation of the financing system.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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