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Rueda warns that Galicia will not be satisfied with “leftovers from the independence day”

He said it clearly. Galicia will not settle for crumbs. The president of the president of the Generalitat. He is not willing to accept for Galicia, in terms of regional financing, “the remains” of the “party” independence.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo, national leader of the PP and Rueda’s predecessor as president of the economic agreement for Catalonia, the details of which have not yet been explained. It is in this scenario, in which the president of the Xunta has expressed his intention to defend tooth and nail equality between all Spaniards, which is also that of the Galicians.

No bilateral negotiations between the Government and the regional executives to agree on the financing of the regions. This is one of the most important maxims on which the regional leaders of the PP closed ranks this Friday. “We refuse to fall into a deceptive bilaterality,” Feijóo proclaimed. in a setting dressed in solemnity, in front of the facade of the Palace of the Dukes of Patrana, which reminded some of La Moncloa.

Rueda supported Feijóo’s slogan of rejecting bilateralism, as he himself has been insisting on for weeks: Sánchez does not have to negotiate separately with each regional leader, but rather bring them all together in a Conference of Presidents, the highest political body of cooperation between the State and the autonomous communities, to deal with the distribution of resources between the regions. That is, to distance regional financing from any framework of bilateral negotiation between the Government and the autonomies. It is for this reason that Rueda regretted that Sánchez “did not fulfill his obligation” to convene this conclave at the highest political level.

The Galician president links one thing to another. In other words, he is convinced that Sánchez’s resistance to pressing the button of the Conference of Presidents is linked to his intention to “create a financing model adapted to the Catalan independence movement.” This is why Rueda has been warning the rest of the PP’s regional leaders for some time now not to be “tempted” by a possible bilateral negotiation in La Moncloa. He considers it a poisoned candy.

“The price to pay for Sánchez and Illa to remain president cannot be discrimination against the rest of the autonomous communities”

Alphonse Rueda

President of the Xunta

“The government’s response this week, in addition to being peppered with disrespect and direct insults towards the communities, was to say that, since the banquet that will be offered to the independence movement will be very generous, well “The rest of us will be able to have more leftovers and therefore we won’t have to protest,” lamented the Galician president during his appearance before the press after the popular conclave in Madrid.

And of course, Rueda made it clear that he had no intention of communing with that millstone, because, in addition to being “absolute lack of respect and blatant discrimination” of Sánchez towards the autonomous communities that are not Catalonia, “goes against the Constitution”. “The price for Sánchez and Illa to continue being presidents – one of the Government and the other of the Generalitat – cannot in any case be that the rest of the autonomous communities are discriminated against”, concluded Rueda.

A meeting pending

The fact that Rueda categorically rejects the bilateral negotiation of Galician financing with the government does not mean in any way that he does not want to meet Sánchez, since he plans to discuss with him “strategic projects” for Galicia. On this point, she disagrees with the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who suggested to the rest of the regional popular leaders not to meet with the president of the government. In fact, Rueda has also long highlighted Sánchez’s discrimination against Galicia: He has not yet been summoned to the official meeting that followed Rueda’s inauguration last April. The President of the Government, however, met with Salvador Illa and Lehendakari Imanol Pradales, even though the Catalan and Basque elections took place after those in Galicia.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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