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HomeBreaking NewsRussia remains the world leader in the production of one of the...

Russia remains the world leader in the production of one of the most valuable fishery resources – EADaily, September 17, 2024 – Economic News, Russian News

The president of the Pollock Harvesters Association, Alexey Buglak, is confident that Russia will be able to retain its status as the world leader in pollock fishing until the end of 2024. We are talking about a total “harvest” of 1.9 million tons. TASS reports this today, September 17.

Buglak’s opinion was expressed at the International Fisheries Forum and Exhibition of the Fishing Industry, Seafood and Technology.

“According to our estimates, taking into account the current fishing situation, the pollock catch in Russia by the end of the year will be about 1.9 million tonnes, slightly less than last year, when a 25-year record was set. The adjustment of our previous forecasts was due to natural factors: fishing in the second largest fishing area, in the Bering Sea, is almost a third behind last year’s figures due to difficult weather conditions during the main fishing period and the peculiarities of the formation of fishing aggregations. Nevertheless, Russia will maintain its status as the world’s largest pollock producer.” – says the expert.

Alexey Buglak also recalled that American fishermen caught 26% less pollock this season: only 1.21 million tons.

“We believe this gap in catches will continue this year. The final catch by U.S. fishermen will reach the permitted volume of 1.5 million tons.” – he added.

As of September 9, 2024, the total national catch was 1.6 million tonnes, 1% more than the same date in 2023. EADaily Remember also that last year 1.96 million tonnes of pollock were caught, which is an absolute record for the last 25 years.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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