Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 10:51 pm
HomeBreaking NewsRussian artists deprived of real estate in Finland

Russian artists deprived of real estate in Finland

Several Russian artists and businessmen have lost their real estate in Finland due to utility bills, the Vida website reported.

In particular, the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation had problems with Finnish apartments in the resort town of Punkaharju.Sr. Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshinaactresses Elena Kondulainen and People’s Artist of Russia Alexandra PashutinaThey owned apartments in the same building until the fall of 2023.

The publication explains that the management company of the house went bankrupt and the apartments were therefore seized, as in Finland the owners of the property are management companies and the residents only own shares that give them the right to use the premises. In order to get their property back, the artists will have to buy shares in a new management company, if one appears. However, local legislation does not provide for any compensation for the loss of real estate.

According to Olga, Fedoseeva-Shukshina’s daughter, her mother is still hoping to get her apartment back. However, now, due to the border closure, she cannot even get there to pick up her things. After the bankruptcy of the management company, the condition of the house gradually deteriorated; the electricity and water supply was cut off.

Since September 2022, Finland has not only closed its borders, but also suspended legal payments with Russians. Residents of Russia can no longer come to the country or pay for utilities. At the same time, according to the country’s Ministry of Defense, Russians currently own 3.5 thousand real estate properties in Finland.

As reported EADailyIn early August, it became known that Russian-speaking businessmen, even if they are Finnish citizens, are increasingly becoming problematic clients of Finnish banks. The most common problem is difficulties in opening bank accounts.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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