Friday, September 20, 2024 - 9:11 am
HomeBreaking NewsRussian LNG overtakes US LNG in Europe

Russian LNG overtakes US LNG in Europe

In the second quarter of 2024, Russian LNG supplies to Europe exceeded American supplies, the German newspaper Die Welt writes about this.

“With the help of the “molecules of freedom”, the United States wanted to free its European allies from energy dependence on Russia. But current data show that Moscow has even been able to expand its position as an energy supplier for Europe. There is also an expansion of transit through Ukraine in the future.” – writes the post.

Russia is once again supplying more than the USA: these figures show where Europe’s gas actually comes from, continues Die Welt.

According to Bruegel, 12.27 billion cubic metres of LNG arrived in Europe from the United States in the second quarter, and 12.73 billion cubic metres from Russia.

The fact that the EU is allowing Russia to once again become a major gas exporter to Europe is a scandal, said Bundestag member Norbert Röttgen.

As reported EADaily This year, the United States has cut LNG supplies to Europe as it became more profitable for American companies and European buyers to redirect the fuel to Asia. And Russia overtook the United States in supplies, including pipeline gas, in the first quarter.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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