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Salamanca brings together 200 of the world’s top scientists to fight the ‘silent epidemic’ of neurodegenerative diseases

The Hospederia Fonseca Salamanca meets this Monday almost 200 of the world’s best scientists in the field of neuroscience to combat the “silent epidemic” that neurodegenerative diseases represent in today’s society. The World Congress of Neuroscience ‘MMN2024’, which is held every three years and reaches its tenth edition in the capital of Tormes, attempts to shed light on a still unknown field and to analyze the application of the new technologies in research.

The congress, whose local organizing committee is headed by the director of the Institute of Neurosciences of Castilla y León and professor of the Department of Cellular Biology and Pathology of the Usal, Manuel Sánchez Malmierca, tries to promote collaboration and exchange of knowledge between researchers, doctors and professionals in the field, with the ultimate goal of “unraveling the mysteries of brain response to sensory imbalances.

In Salamanca, as indicated by the statements collected by Ical en Fonseca, there is an important research group that works on the potential for disparity in a field related to cognitive neuroscience and auditory neuroscience, so that this congress represents “a pride” and “a recognition” to the work carried out at the University of Salamanca at the Institute of Neurosciences.

No cure

In an area that is not only unknown, but has a “mystical component”“, according to Malmierca himself. “People always think of the brain, the mind, as something, let’s say, supernatural. The brain is another organ. The only problem we have with the brain is that we are probably a century behind in terms of scientific advances compared to other areas,” he said, adding that in addition, these diseases They have no cure today.

“It’s a silent epidemic. Our main challenge is to develop, discover and implement an effective treatment really against these diseases. Because they represent a catastrophe not only personal for the one who suffers it and especially for his family, but also another economic disaster for the country. The money lost in the care provided to these patients, the “The social consequences are absolutely devastating.”he noticed.

Regarding the research, the director of Incyl acknowledged that there was “many open fronts”, since “the brain is very complex and this requires many lines of research”, both at the cellular level, doing neurophysiology or working on human archives. “Perhaps, let’s say, the most novel thing to date is that they are beginning to do electrophysiological recordings, that is, live recordings during surgery. This, due to easily understandable ethical issues, has not been easy, but technology has advanced so much that it allows us to make this type of recordings and this, without a doubt, will contribute greatly to the advancement and knowledge of neuroscience,” he said.

For his part, the rector of the University of Salamanca, Juan Manuel Corchadostressed the importance of this event in the capital of Tormes, a city that owns the Inyl. “We have a group of researchers of the highest level which attracts not only scientific projects, but also events of this type that place us at the forefront of research in this field, which artificial intelligence with neuroscience” he stressed.

Therapies and medications

Corchado took the opportunity to recall that Inyl has “a large brain bank” and which “needs donations”. “Legislation in this area is essential, as well as support for the research groups that are at the forefront, developing these therapies and these drugs and all this technology that exists to minimise the problems.

Likewise, the rector referred, in this area, to the new degree in audiology at Usal. “It is a total success. It has been very well received. We have filled the classroom and now we are already working on the development of an audiological clinic of the University of Salamancaso that together with the rest of the facilities that we already have, this makes this degree not only a success, but a reference at national and international level. I think that it will be, we all believe, and this is confirmed by the data, something very attractive, something that was necessary, and here again “The University of Salamanca is a pioneer”he added.

Finally, the mayor of Salamanca, Carlos Garcia Carbayoshowed his support for Incyl’s “talent” and “research effort”. Regarding the congress, he stressed that the capacity was “maximum” and therefore expressed his satisfaction. “Congresses are making a comeback, the educational offering is expanding and, in addition, success also in the response of the students. So we are starting the course strong and this is the best news. Salamanca continues to be at the forefront in research efforts and in its ability to attract new students,” he concluded.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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