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Salamanca Fairgrounds invest five million to transform the fairgrounds into an intelligent reference space

THE The Salamanca Provincial Council will invest more than five million euros for the renovation of the fairgrounds with the aim of making it an intelligent reference space for the agricultural and livestock sector and for Salamanca society. This was announced this morning by the provincial president, Javier Iglesias, who said that under the name of Co-Habitat, they plan to implement technical improvements and technological innovations to make this building a “unique place for livestock fairs in Spain”.

“We could not turn our backs on the new times, which is why we are working on a reform project that aims to give a 360-degree turn to this situation. fairground“, explained Iglesias. In addition, he clarified that the premises that the Provincial Council has were inaugurated more than 30 years ago, in 1992, and that with this renovation, it is intended to “bring this building into the 21st century”. “We are talking about the future value that we want to give to the primary sector of the entire province.”

With this, he assured that the intention of the Provincial Administration is to transform it into an “attractive and dynamic space” and open a new framework of opportunities given its proximity to important communication arteries and Towards the future Puerto Secor, and which is also able to meet the needs of farmers and breeders.

The president of the Provincial Council, accompanied by the deputy for Strategic Projects, Pilar Sánchez, announced that the first phase of the project will be the transformation of the boulevard of the enclosure with an investment of 1.3 million euros, entirely financed by the provincial institution. To carry it out, they will give a “different, pedestrian and welcoming aspect” to this space that will expand by 30 percent of the plant area and tree coverThey will renew the sanitation and supply networks and install sensors and actuators to have total control over the irrigation, lighting, surveillance and sound systems.

In addition, they will collect and use rainwater and improve the energy efficiency of the facility, and create a dirt road for the exhibition animals that will connect the livestock buildings to the central pavilion and the exhibition ring. The call for tenders for this first phase is scheduled “immediately” next September, to be able to execute the works between the months of October 2024 and July 2025 and to be able to present a renewed image in the next edition of Salamaq.

The second phase of the site’s renovation will involve the execution of the Co’Habitat2030 project, a program financed by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda through the Pirep call and which has a financial allocation of 2.9 million euros, which will be supplemented by an additional investment of 772,000 euros from the Provincial Council’s own funds.

Through this investment of almost two thirds of the total budget, they will intervene in the buildings of the site, the beef warehouses, the market, the semi-circular pavilions, the exhibition ring and the central pavilion. In total, almost 22,000 square meters built in which they will improve the energy efficient with reductions of more than 60 percent, with the replacement of roof and facade insulation, improvement of lighting with control and regulation systems or mechanisms to store and reuse gray and rainwater, among others. In addition, accessibility and habitability will improve and the use of the Internet of Things and information management through smart devices and sensors will be used.

Second quarter

Thanks to this, they will have a platform from which they will manage all the information detected by the sensors and, depending on the parameters detected, it will be possible to adjust thermostats, control lighting and generate forced ventilation of the buildings to guarantee the well-being of the animals. The Provincial Council intends to be able to award the Pirep project in the second quarter of 2025 to complete the interventions throughout the exhibition park by 2030.

“This only one this is the beginning“We are already working so that, over the years, this facility can be in the best hands and offer us many opportunities for satisfaction for all the people of Salamanca,” said Javier Iglesias, who said that “not only are we satisfied with what we are doing, but we continue to bet on the future.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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