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Sánchez announces approval of media plan and compares situation of freedoms in Spain with that of Venezuela

The President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezannounced this Monday that the Council of Ministers would approve this Tuesday, at its regular weekly meeting, his announced “action plan” or regeneration, mainly focused on the media and institutional advertising, announced for a long time since April, threatened to resign by letter to the citizens after the start of the investigation for alleged corruption against his wife, Begoña Gomez.

Sánchez, without further details, made this announcement during the first meeting of the political course of the Socialist Group in the Cortés, which brought together all the socialist deputies and senators in the Ernest Lluch Hall of the Congress. In making this announcement, the PSOE leader compared the threats to freedom that exist in Venezuela – a subject in which he once again demanded that the regime Nicolas Maduro the publication of the election results – with the “mud machine” which, in his opinion, he reaffirmed, threatens democracy in our country.

Sánchez, who, upon arriving at the meeting, encountered journalists posted at the door of the Ernest Lluch room, some of whom were trying to ask him if Venezuela was a dictatorship, as the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, described it, has just dedicated a few seconds to what is related to that country. All this after the call for consultations of the Venezuelan ambassador by Caracas precisely because of Robles’ words and the arrest in that country this weekend of two Spanish citizens accused of being agents of the National Intelligence Center (CNI), something that the National Intelligence Center has categorically denied. Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During his parliament, which lasted just over half an hour and in which he explained his political commitments of the Executive for this course, he stressed that his Cabinet would promote “the defense of democracy, in all parts of the world, including Venezuela, demanding that the government publish the electoral registers and allow an impartial and independent verification of the results of these last elections, as we have been asking for a month with the majority of Western countries and in union with the rest of the Member States of the European Union”, and immediately afterwards he assured that “but also here in Spain, where, like all democracies, we are faced with disinformation, this mud machine, right? A democracy under siege, precisely by these campaigns of disinformation and hoaxes; pressure on journalists… corruption of some… in short, what we all have in mind.

Darts at PP

Sánchez assured that it is a “project that emanates from our Constitution, which defends the right of citizens to truthful information”, as well as “measures approved by the European Parliament and by the European Commission itself”. The latter refers to the regulation approved in the European Parliament on the media (which is not a European directive) and voted by the European People’s Party, which allowed Sánchez to have a sarcastic inflection in his speech to his people.

“This is a plan that will help us bring more transparency, more plurality and greater guarantees to the Cortes Generales, the Senate, as well as to the Congress of Deputies and our information ecosystem, and that I hope will end up obtaining the support of all democrats in our country. It would be incomprehensible that in Strasbourg [donde se ubica una de las dos sedes del Parlamento Europeo] “approve certain things and then here, in the Congress of Deputies, vote against these same issues,” he concluded in a veiled allusion to the Popular Party (PP) that was greeted with laughter by the socialist parliamentarians.

However, it was not only the opposition that was reluctant to accept this bread, but also the executive’s own partners.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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