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Sánchez announces that the Council of Ministers will approve tomorrow the Regeneration Plan against hoaxes

The Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, announced that the Council of Ministers plans to approve this Tuesday the Action Plan for Democracy and Against Hoaxes that he himself had anticipated before the summer and that, as he said, he hopes will have the support of the PP. He made these statements before the socialist deputies, senators and MPs gathered in Congress, to whom he addressed the beginning of the new political course.

Sánchez stressed that this plan “emanates” from the Constitution, “which defends the right of citizens to truthful information,” as well as from measures approved by the European Parliament and the European Commission itself. For this reason, he said he was confident that he could count on the support of “all the democrats” in the country.

“It would be incomprehensible that in Strasbourg certain things are approved and here, in the Congress of Deputies, these same issues are voted against,” he said, referring to the PP. According to the president, this action plan will contribute to “bringing greater transparency, greater plurality and greater guarantees” to the Cortes Generales and to the “information ecosystem” and will serve to confront the “disinformation” and the “mud machine” that they besiege. democracy.

The President of the Government has forwarded a proposal to channel 5 billion euros to autonomous communities, provincial councils, municipalities and communes improve public investment in the regions if the General State Budgets (PGE) are approved.

The socialist leader tried to attract his government partners in search of approval of the new accounts. “It is time for dialogue and agreement,” said the president of the government at the meeting of the socialist parliamentary group this Monday. “We extend our hand to the parliamentary groups to continue consolidating economic growth and employment, social progress and coexistence,” he added, affirming that there have been 18 months without elections in sight and aware of the legislative blockade that exists in Congress.

Calls to end the “boycott” of the Housing Law

The socialist leader asked the PP to stop “boycotting” the housing policies implemented by the Central Executive and to “lend its shoulder” to the autonomies and municipalities governed by the “popular” people. The president makes this request because housing falls under the competence of the Communities.

Although “very important” measures have been adopted in the last six years, such as the Housing Law, the ban on the sale of social housing to investment funds or the deployment of guarantees to help young people pay the deposit on housing, Sánchez admitted that “it is not enough” and that it is urgent to do “much more”.

“It is necessary for the State as a whole, not only the General Administration of the State, but also the autonomous communities and municipalities, to become more involved in the real estate market,” demanded the secretary general of the PSOE, with the aim of preventing that “is dominated exclusively by speculation and the law of the strongest.”

At this point, Pedro Sánchez indicated that he was It is necessary that the regional and local governments of the PP “stop boycotting” the measures of the central government in terms of housing, since it is up to the territories to apply them, and to use the tools at their disposal “to facilitate access to housing for their citizens”.

“I think it is very important to convey to citizens the idea that this is a shared responsibility, because the powers are in the city councils, they are in the autonomous communities, and therefore it is a shared responsibility of all,” he added. For all these reasons, the President of the Executive asked the opposition not to politicize the housing measures: “Let’s all come together,” he appealed to Pedro Sánchez.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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