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Sánchez avoids talking about the Catalan quota and is open to the LACC collecting more taxes

The President of the Government and Secretary General of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, opened the door to allow all communities that wish to collect and manage more taxesafter the economic agreement for Catalonia concluded with ERC, and stressed that the debate on regional financing can be an opportunity to design a “new autonomous step” that contributes to creating a “fairer system”.

This is what Sánchez said in his first open intervention at the Federal Committee of the party, which is held this Saturday, officially convene the 41st Federal Congress which will activate changes in territorial leadership of the PSOE, although criticism from at least four socialist federations against the economic agreement for Catalonia is also expected.

Sánchez did not explicitly mention single funding for Cataloniaalthough he made several veiled references to this economic agreement agreed between the PSC and the ERC, betting on taking advantage of this debate on financing to “a new autonomous stage.”

In any case, the President of the Government declared that is “willing to make new transfers of skills, to recognize singularities” and allow all communities that wish to collect and manage more taxes.” “This is something consistent with our federal state, which we call autonomous in Spain,” proclaimed Sánchez.

Tax liability

As the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, has already done, the President of the Government has affirmed that this New debate on regional financing must come linked to the budgetary responsibility of regional governmentsmaking allusions to the executives led by the PP.

“The biggest lack of solidarity is that there are autonomous right-wing governments that, as state money arrives, It is the money of all Spaniards, no matter where they live.“They are diverting it with their tax gifts into the pockets of those at the top, who have the most,” Sanchez criticized.

Given the request made this Friday at the summit by the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and his “barons” of the claim 18 billion euros from European fundsSánchez disdained that these resources “come from the taxes of the middle and working classes and that they want to give them in the form of tax cuts to the privileged elite of their autonomous communities.”

Funding, an excuse

During his speech also before the federations most critical of the tax agreement with the ERC, Sanchez believes that the right’s “alibi” is regional fundingwith which, as he said, “they intend to hide their neoliberal project.”

However, he recalled his announcement to double the resources of the Interterritorial Compensation Fund, claiming the money transferred to the communities since he became president: “In the financing of territories, the real debate is not between territories, but between models“.

In any case, the president of the government offered his “outstretched hand” to regional leaders for a bilateral meeting with him in Moncloa, despite warnings from some “popular” leaders. “Let’s talk, exchange proposals, build together and agree”Sanchez questioned.

legislative power

Sánchez began his speech by demanding the Election of Salvador Illa to the presidency of the Generalitat and try to relaunch the party for the 41st Federal Congress which will be convened this Saturday for end of November and will renew the PSOE and activate possible changes in the territorial leadership.

In this context, the President of the Government warned that the intention of the Executive and the PSOE is “move forward with determination” on the socialist agenda and he will do so, as he said, “with or without the support of the opposition and with or without the help of a legislative power which must necessarily be more constructive and less restrictive.”

And as we already knew, Sanchez ratified his candidacy for re-election as Secretary General of the PSOE in this Federal Congress of the party to be held in Seville, which has generated applause within the Federal Committee.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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